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Seminar on accidental transboundary water pollution prevention – contingency planning, early warning, mitigation

Seminar on accidental transboundary water pollution prevention – contingency planning, early warning, mitigation

04 November (9:30) - 05 November (18:00) 2019
Budapest Hungary

The international seminar is co-organized by Hungary and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), under the auspices of the Joint Expert Group on Water and Industrial Accidents (JEG) and ICPDR. It gathers representatives from international river basin commissions, experts in contingency planning from UNECE member States, NGOs and other stakeholders, to:

  • Exchange experiences and challenges in (national and transboundary) contingency planning, accidental transboundary water pollution prevention, and early warning systems

  • Share good practices and challenges in the application of the Checklist for contingency planning for accidents affecting transboundary waters

  • Promote good practices, tools and lessons learned from international River Basin Commissions in preventing transboundary water pollution

  • Strengthen cooperation between the JEG, UNECE countries and the River Basin Commissions

Seminar program PDF

List of Participants

Background & Objectives note PDF


Seminar Conclusions

The seminar was held back-to-back with the 19th meeting of the UNECE Joint Ad Hoc Expert Group on Water and Industrial Accidents


Presentations Organization/Country ENG
  • Session 1 - Opening and introduction to the UNECE checklist for transboundary contingency planning and its application
UNECE Joint Expert Group on Water and Industrial Accidents and its work on preventing accidental water pollution JEG PDF
UNECE Checklist for contingency planning for accidents affecting transboundary waters UNECE PDF
Application of the UNECE Checklist for Transboundary Contingency Planning in Armenia "ECO PEACE" PDF
Application of the UNECE Checklist for Transboundary Contingency Planning in the Danube Delta and Draft Joint Contingency Plan for the Danube Delta REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA PDF
  • Session 2 - National approaches to contingency planning and challenges in transboundary contingency planning, including notification and early warning
Contingency planning, accidental water pollution prevention HUNGARY PDF
Contingency planning, accidental water pollution prevention ROMANIA PDF
Contingency planning, accidental water pollution prevention CZECHIA PDF
Contingency planning, accidental water pollution prevention SERBIA PDF
Contingency planning, accidental water pollution prevention LATVIA PDF
  • Session 3 - Prevention of transboundary accidental water pollution and early warning system - Good Practices, tools and lessons learned from River Basin Commissions
Preventing water pollution in the Danube Region ICPDR PDF
Preventing water pollution on the Scheldt River INTERNATIONAL SCHELDT COMMISSION PDF
Preventing water pollution on the Dniester River DNIESTER COMMISSION PDF
Water pollution prevention on the Sava River SAVA COMMISSION PDF
Water pollution prevention on the Odra River ODRA COMMISSION PDF