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Strategic workshop on the future work under the UNECE Water Convention: building on the findings of the Second Assessment and other results achieved

Strategic workshop on the future work under the UNECE Water Convention: building on the findings of the Second Assessment and other results achieved

14 - 15 February 2012
Geneva Switzerland

This workshop which is organized by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) has the following main objectives:

  •  Revisit current challenges and needs in the management and  protection of transboundary waters;
  • Review and analyse the work under the UNECE Water Convention;
  • Discuss and agree on future objectives with the aim to develop a strategy and prioritize activities for the future programme of work.

Capitalizing on the findings of the Second Assessment of Transboundary Rivers, Lakes and Groundwaters prepared under the Convention, the workshop will be a first and key brainstorming opportunity to shape a new programme of work of the Convention for 2013-2015 and beyond. The ideas stemming from the workshop will be further refined and developed before the formal adoption of the programme of work at the sixth session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Convention in November 2012. As the entry into force of the amendment opening the Convention to countries outside the UNECE region is forthcoming, this workshop will provide a vibrant forum for discussion of effective responses to this new situation. The workshop will also discuss the work under the Convention related to future assessments.

The workshop will bring together major stakeholders of the Water Convention, including members of the Bureau of the Water Convention, representatives of countries leading activities and bodies under the Convention, representatives of different geographical subregions, joint bodies, partners from UN and other international organizations, NGOs and sector organizations.



  Eng Rus
Annotated provisional agenda PDF  
Information notice PDF  
List of participants PDF  
Table of activities under the UNECE Water Convention PDF


  Eng Rus

The UNECE Water Convention and its activities

Ms. Francesca Bernardini, Secretary of the Water ConventionUNECE


Implementation Committee

Mr. Attila Tanzi, Chair of the Legal Board, Italy


Promoting implementation through projects on the ground

Ms. Sonja Koeppel, Mr. Bo Libert and Ms. Iulia TrombitcaiaUNECE


Monitoring and assessment

Prof. Lea Kauppi, Chair of the Working Group on Monitoring and Assessment, Finland


Activities on water and adaptation to climate change

Ms. Heide Jekel, Head of Division, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Germany and Mr. Joost Buntsma, Mr. Niels Vlaanderen and Mr. Jos Timmerman, The Netherlands



Ms. Annukka Lipponen, Environmental Affairs Officer, Water Convention secretariat, UNECE


Water and ecosystems

Ms. Sibylle Vermont, Dep. Head of Global Affairs Section, Federal Office for the Environment, Switzerland


Water and industrial accidents

Ms. Maria Galambos, Senior Councellor, Ministry of Rural Development, Hungary


EU Water Initiative and National Policy Dialogue

Ms. Ana Drapa, Senior Adviser, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Romania


Implications of the opening of the Convention to non-UNECE countries

Mr. Massimo Cozzone, Senior Officer, Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea, Italy


The International Water Assessment Centre

Mr. Boris Minarik, Director, International Water Assessment Centre, Slovakia


Transboundary cooperation in water resources management - trends, drivers and implications for the UNECE Convention

Mr. Jeremy Bird, former CEO of the Mekong River Commission Secretariat


Second Assessment: lessons learned and the way ahead

Ms. Annukka Lipponen, Environmental Affairs Officer, Water Convention secretariatUNECE