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Greening homes in the UNECE region: case studies, actions and financing

Greening homes in the UNECE region: case studies, actions and financing

04 April 2012
Geneva Switzerland

Venue: Room XI, Palais des Nations


Report of the seminar    



Draft agenda      ENG


Document title ENG FRE RUS
Introduction to the UNECE Action Plan for energy-efficient housing in the region
Ms. Maike Christiansen, UNECE
PDF - -
BRE Innovation Parks: Demonstrating sustainable building design and construction
Mr. Lufus Logan, BRE Scotland
PDF - -
Green Building Council Italia: How rating systems can drive the change
Mr. Mauro Roglieri, GBC Italia
PDF - -
Financing Energy Efficiency Investments: Policy reforms and financing mechanisms
Mr. Oleg Dzioubinski, UNECE
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