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Budapest Water Summit

Budapest Water Summit

08 - 11 October 2013
Budapest Hungary

The main objective of the Budapest Water Summit "The Role of Water and Sanitation in the Global Sustainable Development Agenda" is to take stock of the various developments in preparing water-related goals for the post Rio+20 development agenda.

A high-level side event, co-organized by UNECE, WHO/Europe and UNESCO, will take place on Wednesday, 9 October 2013 (12:35-13:55).

The side event will consist of two sub-side events:

  • The Protocol on Water and Health: A practical tool for realising global commitments (12:35-13:15)
  • How global frameworks strengthen transboundary water cooperation in practice: 1992 UNECE Water Convention and 1997 UN Watercourses Convention (13:15-13:55)


More information on the summit is available at: and in the attached flyer.