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Role of the public in supporting Compliance with International Water Agreements

Role of the public in supporting Compliance with International Water Agreements

14 September 2017
Budva Montenegro

Both the Implementation Committee under the Water Convention and the Compliance Committee under the Protocol on Water and Health were negotiated with the aim of providing opportunities for involving non-state actors in the water resources and health related matters. So far, however, the involvement of public in the respective implementation and compliance procedures has been rather limited.

The side event aimed at clarifying the role of public and opportunities for public participation in supporting implementation and compliance with both instruments among the NGOs active in the field of environment. After presentations by Mr. Viñuales, Professor at the University of Cambridge, Chair of the Compliance Committee of the Protocol on Water and Health, and Mr. Lammers, member of the Implementation Committee, participants engaged in a number of interactive exercises such as a quiz and facilitated group work on a hypothetical case regarding transboundary water pollution originating from a refugee camp. Participants appreciated the interactive format of the event and the opportunity to enter into in-depth discussions about the two “water” Committees at the same time.

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Programme PDF