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National Workshop on Equitable access to water and sanitation : results of the scorecards self-assessment results

National Workshop on Equitable access to water and sanitation : results of the scorecards self-assessment results

06 - 07 December 2017
Kragujevac Serbia

The national workshop on equitable access to water and sanitation reviewed and discussed the initial results of the score-card assessment. This score-card on equitable access has been used by the Regional Economic Development Agency for Sumadija and Pomoravlje (REDASP) to carry out a baseline analysis regarding the situation on equitable access to water and sanitation in the regions of Sumadija and Pomoravlje in Serbia. During this national workshop, REDASP presented  the results and discussed them with participants.

Relevant Serbian stakeholders from the regional and national levels attended and participated, including the Ministry of Environmental Protection and the Ministry of Health of Serbia.  Based on these score-card assessment findings, a roadmap was discussed to identify priorities to improve equitable access to water and sanitation.

The workshop was by invitation only.


Documents ENG CRO SER
Agenda PDF    
Day 1      
Experiences in implementation of self-assessment of access to drinking water and sanitation, impact of self-assessment on decision-making to improve the status
D. Guerrier, UNECE Secretariat
Country-Region Profile, Socioeconomic and Sectoral Data
N. Popović, REDASP
Score card - Self-assessment tool for equal access
J. Luković Jagličić, REDASP
Day 2      
Providing access to vulnerable and marginalized groups
M. Peruničić, thematic expert and M. Gajić REDASP
Mobilization and inclusion of the NGO sector, example of Macedonia
N. Dokovska
Management of water and sewage so that they remain financially accessible to all
N. Veljković, thematic expert and G. Miljković, REDASP