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Workshop “Towards a Smarter Goris”

Workshop “Towards a Smarter Goris”

10 - 11 April 2015
Goris Armenia

This workshop is a capacity building meeting, which took place in Goris, Armenia on 10 and 11 April 2015.

It allowed local and international experts, local authorities and governmental representatives as well as city’s stakeholders, donors and other organizations to further discuss the city’s issues and the citizens’ needs and to identify possible fields of investments.

The research mission report and some preliminary recommendations to improve the city’s sustainable development were also shared during this workshop. The workshop ended with a field visit to the energy efficient social building realized in Goris to give a home to refugees previously hosted in temporary shelters.

The workshop is part of the initiative called “United Smart Cities”, which is implemented jointly with other international partners. Please see a short description on the project at the “United Smart Cities” page.


Presentation ENG RUS
Towards a smarter Goris
Domenica Carriero, UNECE
Roadmap to a smarter Goris
Wolfgang Dolezal, Environment Agency Austria
Action Plan & Monitoring Specific monitoring indicators and key measures
Alexander Storch, Environment Agency Austria
Соглашение в действии: важные изменения в жизни города Самбор
Ivan Lopushansky, Deputy Mayor of Sambir, Ukraine
Smart City Tartu
Jarno Laur, Deputy Mayor of Tartu, Estonia



Ministry of Urban Development of

the Republic of Armenia

United Nations Economic

Commission for Europe

United Nations

Development Programme

Regional Environmental

Center for Caucasus