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Regional workshop for ECE Region: Building capacity in countries in transition economy in housing and urban development

Regional workshop for ECE Region: Building capacity in countries in transition economy in housing and urban development

10 November 2017
Conference Room XVIII, Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland

With simultaneous translation: English and Russian


The workshop is organized by UNECE and UN-Habitat as a final regional workshop of the UNDA 9th tranche project “Strengthening national capacities for sustainable housing and urban development in countries with economies in transition”. See project webpage at 

The workshop discussed experiences, best practices of and lessons learned in the implementation of the project. The project aims to support building capacities of national governments for development and implementation policies on sustainable housing and urban development in countries with economies in transition (implemented in four countries – Armenia, Republic of Moldova, Serbia and Tajikistan). 

The workshop participants formulated: 

(1) Best practices in building capacities to achieve the urban related SDGs, implementation of the New Urban Agenda and other relevant global and regional agreements

(2) Next steps in cooperation of UN agencies and other international organizations in supporting countries with economies in transition to achieve the urban related SDGs and to implement relevant global and regional commitments.

Draft agenda     ENG     RUS


Strengthening national capacities for sustainable housing in selected countries with economies in transition
Regina Khanbekova, UNECE

Guide on National Action Plans for Sustainable Housing & Project Policy Paper and Guide
Remy Sietchiping, UN-Habitat

National Action Plan for the implementation of the recommendations of the Country Profile on Housing and Land Management of Tajikistan
Nusratullo Faizullozoda, Committee for Architecture and Construction under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan

Building capacity in countries in transition economy in housing and urban development - Armenia
Arsen Karapetyan, "Development Solutions Institute" Foundation

Building capacity in countries with transition economies in housing and urban development
Brian Mark Evans, The Glasgow School of Art

Building capacity in countries in transition economy in housing and urban development: Housing at the centre
Christophe Lalande, UN-Habitat