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Joint Task Force on Environmental Statistics and Indicators

Joint Task Force on Environmental Statistics and Indicators

26 October 2020
Hybrid Geneva Switzerland


Document Title
Documents Presentations
  Annotated provisional agenda ENG RUS    
  Provisional programme of the 17th session ENG RUS    
  Agenda of the 17th session     ENG --
  Report of the 17th session ENG RUS    
  Key outcomes of the 16th session of the Joint Task force     ENG RUS
 Agenda item 5 - Data Needs, Statistics and Indicators on Environment and Health in response to the COVID-19 pandemic
  Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) statistics relevant to COVID-19 (WHO)     ENG RUS
  Experience from member States in producing and sharing information, data and statistics on COVID-19 and their use for policymaking (UNECE)     ENG RUS
  Data Needs, Statistics and Indicators on Environment and Health in response to the COVID-19 pandemic (Central Statistics Office, Ireland)     ENG RUS
  Paper on Data Needs, statistics and Indicators (Central Statistics Office, Ireland) ENG RUS    
  COVID-19 & the benefits of contact with nature for mental health: Early findings (University of Vienna)     ENG RUS
  Dashboards fast indicators in COVID-19 crisis (Statistics Netherlands)     ENG RUS
  Assessing air quality changes in large cities during COVID-19 lockdowns: the impacts of traffic-free urban conditions in Almaty, Kazakhstan     ENG --
Agenda item 4 - Review of the Guidelines for the Application of Environmental Indicators
  Revised Guidelines for the Application of Environmental Indicators ENG RUS ENG RUS
  Link to wiki page with draft indicator metadata sheets        
  Draft indicator metadata sheets for download as zip file (updated on 7.10.20) FILE RUS    
 Agenda item 3 - Ongoing developments with relevance for the work of the Joint Task Force
  Updates on related work on the UNECE Statistical Division: SEEA, Climate change-related statistics, Hazardous Events and Disasters, Circular Economy (UNECE)     ENG --
  Updates on the Work of the United Nations Statistics Division     ENG RUS
  Overview of recent and upcoming capacity-development activities by UNECE and UNEP     ENG --
  Regional E-waste Monitor on the CIS Region + Georgia, Turkmenistan and Ukraine (UNU-VIE)     ENG --
 Agenda item 6 & 7 - Other business and closure of the meeting
  Proposed indicators - Sub-chapter3.5 on Biodiversity and ecosystems ENG --