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2020 Covid-19 response in the area of Human Resources Management and Training

2020 Covid-19 response in the area of Human Resources Management and Training

09 - 11 September 2020
Virtual Geneva Switzerland

For more information about the virtual meeting, please visit wiki


  Document Title Documents Presentations
  Provisional Programme PDF  
Wednesday 9 September: Communication and Human Resource Management during Covid-19
  Recap day 2 discussion, Michael Levi (Chair)   PDF
  Internal communication during the pandemic. Joana Ribeiro and Sylvia Mann (Statec, Luxembourg)   PDF
  Going from face-to-face to remote work, but still together. Lígia Maria Nunes (Bank of Portugal)   PDF
  Internal comms: Are we leading or just sending e-mails? Rodrigo Nuñez (INEGI, Mexico)   PDF
  Joint effort to improve digital skills and supporting employees working remote. Kristin Goa  and Christine Rokkan (Statistics Norway)   PDF
  The CSO Ireland digital marketing response to the withdrawal of interviewers from the field due to the Covid-19 crisis. Aeidin Sheppard (CSO Ireland)   PDF
  Moving from In-Person to Virtual Presence at Conventions and Career Fairs. Sue King (United States Department of Agriculture)   PDF
  Remote hiring. Jeroen Rutten (Statistics Netherlands)   PDF
Thursday 10 September: Covid-19 response in the area of HRMT
  Recap day 3 discussion, Anna Borowska (Chair)   PDF
  HLG-MOS and HRMT related activities. Taeke Gjaltema (UNECE)   PDF
  Living Intensely: The strange warping and flexing flow of time – HR during the Covid Pandemic. Sharron Ford and Carrie Rodgers (ONS UK)   PDF
  CSO Ireland's agile response to the COVID19 Crisis in training & development. Eilish O’Sullivan (CSO Ireland)   PDF
  Re-inventing the training activities at the Italian National Institute of Statistics (Istat): from face-to-face lectures to e.learning courses. Tiziana Carrino, Antonio Ottaiano and Pietro Scalisi (Istat)   PDF
  Turning to e-learning: How Statistics Norway started using e-learning extensively, including for the inception of new staff members. Dag Roll-Hansen (Statistcs Norway) PDF PDF
  The development of individualised Learning Paths linked to the Statistical Training Framework. Pamela Lafferty (CSO Ireland)   PDF
Friday 11 September: Covid-19 response in the area of HRMT
  Recap day 4 discussion, Anna Borowska (Chair)   PDF
  Measuring work environment and well-being among colleagues teleworking. Reporting from two surveys and workshops on the topic. Dag Roll-Hansen (Statistics Norway) PDF PDF
  Remote work at the Italian National Institute of Statistics (Istat): a snapshot.  Daniela Bonardo and Antonio Ottaiano (Istat)   PDF
  Teleworking and the virtual mode. The positives and negatives.  Inga Hanna Gudmundsdottir, (EFTA)   PDF
  Agile- and lean team culture changes as a result of COVID-19 pandemic. Marc Lechanteur and Marc Maessen (Statistics Netherlands)   PDF
  COVID-19 Pandemic and Statistics Portugal approach in shifting its statistical works – a learning process. Graça Magalhães, Maria João Zilhão (Statistics Portugal)   PDF
  Statistics Iceland’s response to the COVID-19 crisis. Using a mixed methods approach to ensure the best possible results. Helga Hauksdóttir, Statistics Iceland PDF PDF
  Sustainable operation of the National Statistical Office in times of COVID-19.  Marina Egorova, Belstat   PDF