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First Session of the Committee on Economic Cooperation and Integration

First Session of the Committee on Economic Cooperation and Integration

27 - 28 September 2006
Geneva Switzerland


Document Title Document Number ENG FRE RUS
Provisional Agenda ECE/CECI/2006/1 PDF PDF PDF
Draft Terms of Reference for the Committee on Economic Integration and Cooperation ECE/CECI/2006/2 PDF PDF PDF
Substantive Discussion Segment: "Competitiveness in the Modern Economy: Challenges for the UNECE Region" ECE/CECI/2006/3 PDF PDF PDF
Substantive Discussion Segment:"Competitiveness in the Modern Economy: Challenges for the UNECE Region" - Addendum ECE/CECI/2006/3/Add.1 PDF PDF PDF
Inventory of the Work of International and Regional Organizations on the Themes of the Committee of Economic Cooperation and Integration ECE/CECI/2006/4 PDF PDF PDF
Strengthening Competitiveness by Promoting the Knowledge-Based Ecomony and Innovation - Addendum 1 ECE/CECI/2006/4/Add.1 PDF PDF PDF
Facilitating the Development of Entrepreneurship and the Emergence of New Enterprises - Addendum 2 ECE/CECI/2006/4/Add.2 PDF PDF PDF
Facilitating Effective Regulatory Policies and Corporate Governance, Including Policies in the Financial Sector - Addendum 3 ECE/CECI/2006/4/Add.3 PDF PDF PDF
Promoting Public-Private Partnerships for Domestic and Foreign Investment, as well as Intellectual Property Rights - Addendum 4 ECE/CECI/2006/4/Add.4 PDF PDF PDF
Draft Outline of the Programme of Work ECE/CECI/2006/5 PDF PDF PDF
Report of the Committee on Economic Cooperation and Integration on its First Session ECE/CECI/2006/6