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Critical Raw Materials for Sustainable Energy Systems

Critical Raw Materials for Sustainable Energy Systems

12 November 2018
Kyiv Ukraine
Presentations ENG FRE RUS
G.I. Rudko, State Commission of Ukraine on Mineral Resources : Nuclear Energy as a dominant pathway to Energy Efficiency for Sustainable Development and the role of critical materials PDF   PDF
Robert Vance, Uranium Mining and Nuclear Power consultant: Sustainability of Uranium Supply PDF    
Ivan Virshylo, TSNU, Ukraine, Leonid Shumlyansky, SIGMOF, Ukraine: U and REE potential in Ukraine PDF    
Sigurd Hieberg: a Guidance for the Application of the UNFC for mineral resources in Finland, Norway and Sweden PDF    
Luis Lopez, Project Management division, Head, National Atomic Energy Commission, Argentina: Innovate Perspective, other potential sources of Uranium PDF    
Martin Fairclough, International Atomic Energy Agency: Should Uranium be considered a critical raw material PDF    
Julian Hilton, Chairman, Aleff Group: Redesigning the Uranium resource pathway PDF    
Harikrishnan Tulsidas, Economic Affairs Officer, UNECE: United Nations Resource Management System: rewriting the resource development story PDF    
Serge Gorlin, Head of Industry Cooperation: "Checklist" on the Sustainable Development Performance of Uranium Mining and Processing sites PDF