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Group of Experts on Consumer Price Indices

Group of Experts on Consumer Price Indices

26 - 28 May 2014
Geneva Switzerland
Document Title Documents Presentations
Programme of the meeting PDF   PDF  
Report of the meeting PDF PDF PDF  
Document Title Documents Presentations
Workshops 26 May
Workshop 1. Elementary price indices
Consumer Price Statistics in the UK, by W. Erwin Diewert PDF      
Background papers:        
Answers to Questions Arising from the RPI Consultation, by W. Erwin Diewert PDF      
Is the Carli index flawed?: assessing the case for the new retail price index RPIJ, by Peter Levell PDF      
Workshop 2. Core inflation measurement
Core inflation measurement - Agenda PDF      
Core Inflation Measurement, by Mick Silver (IMF)       ENG RUS
Core Inflation: Measurement and Statistical Issues in Choosing Among Alternative Measures, by Mick Silver (IMF) PDF      
Reconsidering the Role of Food Prices in
Inflation, by James P. Walsh (IMF)
Methodological approaches to measuring core inflation in the CIS countries, CISStat PDF   PDF  
Methodology for Core Inflation Calculation, by Olga Kalabukha (Ukraine)       ENG RUS
Core inflation measurement in Norway, by Ragnhild Nygaard (Norway)       ENG
Workshop 3. Quality Management
Quality Management Workshop - Agenda PDF      
Managing the CPI and PPI processes under ISO 9000, Mexico       ENG
Quality Management in Finnish CPI, Finland       ENG
A holistic approach to quality management in consumer price statistics, UNECE       ENG
ISO 9001: Supporting Statistical Systems, UK       ENG
Workshop 4. Scanner data
The Revolution of Scanner Data and the Challenges Ahead       PDF
Questionnaire forms:
Steps for ensuring data quality – scanner data
Challenges ahead – next step



GS1 and scanner data, Sweden       PDF
Scanner Data; Optimal Preservation Policy for Identifiable Datasets, Iceland PDF      
One size fits all? The need to cope with different levels of Scanner Data quality for CPI computation, Australia PDF      
Implementing scanner data in the Danish CPI, Denmark PDF      
Scanner data in the CPI/HICP, Denmark       PDF
Room documents: Transactions Data: From Theory to Practice, Australia PDF      
Relevant papers:        
Past, present and future of scanner data with focus on Statistics Sweden PDF      
Austrian Scanner Data Project - Report
“Multipurpose Consumer Price Statistics:
The use of scanner data”, Australia
The use of scanner data in the Luxembourg CPI: first lessons learned, Luxembourg PDF      
Issues on the use of scanner data in the CPI, Sweden PDF      
Chapter on scanner data (retail transaction data) from the discussion paper for the New Zealand CPI revision advisory committee 2013, New Zealand PDF      
Statistics and Science, Handbook on the application of quality adjustment methods in the Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices, Volume 13, Germany PDF      
Questions regarding scanner data PDF      
Workshop 5. Higher-level price indices
High-level indices: Agenda PDF      
Higher-level indices: a practical guide       PDF
The calculation of higher-level indices in the CPI – a practical guide, Australia PDF      
Why ‘Lowe’ when ‘Young’ and ‘Laspeyres’ are available?, Australia PDF      
ABS’ HFCE-Weighted Price Index, Australia PDF      
Workshop 6. Quality adjustment: A general framework and the role of Hedonics
Quality adjustment: A general framework and the role of Hedonics, Agenda PDF      
Quality Adjustment and Hedonic Regressions, IMF       PDF
Limitations and impact of hedonic adjustment for the rent index, Switzerland PDF PDF    
Limitations and impact of hedonic adjustment for the Swiss rent index       PDF
Quality adjustment in the New Zealand Consumers Price Index, New Zealand PDF      
Use of hedonic regression for quality adjustment at Statistics New Zealand       PDF
Workshop 7. Treatment of seasonal products
Agenda of the workshop PDF      
The treatment of products seasonality in inflation estimate. Introduction, Italy       PDF
Key issues concerning the treatment of seasonal products to calculate inflation from the point of view of central banks, Turkey       PDF
Official Journal of the European Union, Commission regulation (EC) No 330/2009 of 22 April 2009 PDF      
Recompiling 2010 data and the measure of impact of Regulation 330/2009 on Italian HICP, Italy       PDF
Treatment of seasonal products. Implementation of the commission regulation (EC) No 330/2009 of 22 April 2009, Hungary PDF      
The Hungarian experience in implementing European Regulation about seasonal products, Hungary       PDF
Report to the plenary session       PDF
Workshop 8. The Price Index Processor Software
Demonstration of PIPS CPI, by Paul Armknecht       PDF
Document Title Documents Presentations
Plenary sessions 27-28 May
Session 1. Reports from the workshops
Session 2. Update of the 2004 CPI Manual
Issues Paper on a possible update of the 2004 CPI Manual, prepared by the Intersecretariat Working Group on Price Statistics (IWGPS). Carsten Boldsen, UNECE PDF PDF PDF PDF
Session 3: Methodological issues I
Treatment of seasonal products and CPI volatility. Oguz Atuk, Mustafa Utku Ozmen, and Orhun Sevinc, Central Bank of Republic of Turkey PDF     PDF
An Empirical Illustration of Index Construction using Israeli Data on Vegetables, Erwin Diewert, University of British Columbia, Canada PDF     PDF
Will the real inflation rate please stand up–overlooked “quirks” of a favoured chain-linking technique. Dr Jens Mehrhoff, Deutsche Bundesbank, Germany       PDF
Session 4: Methodological issues II
The FEWS index: fixed-effects with a window-splice non-revisable quality-adjusted price indexes with no characteristic information. Frances Krsinich, Statistics New Zealand  PDF     PDF
Private Label Brands versus National Brands: Some Implications for the Construction of the CPI. Satoshi Imai, Statistics Bureau of Japan, and Tsutomu Watanabe, University of Tokyo       PDF
Estimating daily inflation using scanner data:a Progress Report.Tsutomu Watanabe, University of Tokyo, and Kota Watanabe, Chuo University and University of Tokyo, Japan PDF     PDF
Room document        
Experiences in calculating the consumer price index in Azerbaijan. The State Committee on Statistics of the Republic of Azerbaijan PDF PDF PDF  
Session 5: Price collection methods
Collecting clothing data from the internet. Leon Willenborg, Robert Griffioen, Jan de Haan and Karlijn Bakker, Statistics Netherlands PDF     PDF
Exploiting new technologies and new data sources – the opportunities and challenges associated with scanner data. David Fenwick, International Expert, the United Kingdom PDF     PDF
Sampling Selection Bias in Consumer Price Indices. Kristina Strandberg and Anders Norberg, Statistics Sweden PDF     PDF
Session 6: Difficult to measure products and services
Mobile Phone Service Computing Methodology. Rafael Gaona Lopez, INEGI, Mexico PDF     PDF
Methodological approaches to recording certain types of services in the consumer price index in Belarus. Ekaterina Grikhanova, National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus PDF     PDF
Alternative Approaches to Commercial Property Price Indexes for Tokyo. Erwin Diewert, University of British Columbia, Canada, and Chihiro Shimizu, Reitaku University, Japan PDF     PDF
Session 7: Management
Statistics Canada’s Consumer Price Index Enhancement Initiative (CPI EI). Haig McCarrell, Statistics Canada       PDF
Quality management. Patrick Kelly, Statistics South Africa PDF     PDF
High quality official statistics – benchmarking as an integral part of a quality management system. David Fenwick, International Expert, the United Kingdom PDF     PDF