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Workshop on Gender statistics

Workshop on Gender statistics

17 - 18 March 2014
Geneva Switzerland


  Document ENG RUS
  Report PDF PDF
  Timetable PDF PDF
  Concept note PDF PDF
  Background documents    
  Indicators of gender equality: report of the Conference of European Statisticians task force PDF  
  Overview of the project “Interregional cooperation to strengthen national capacities to measure progress in achieving gender equality and women’s empowerment” (UNECE) PDF  
  Results of the 2012 global review of gender statistics in countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia (UNECE) PDF  
  Overview of the UNECE set of gender indicators (Italy) PDF  
  Availability of the UNECE indicators in countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia: summary of the information provided by countries (UNECE) PDF  
  Millennium Development Goals - Poverty and Gender (UNECE) PDF  
  Poverty in Tajikistan - measurement of gender equality (Tajikistan)   PDF
  Gender equity indicators: Poverty domain (Republic of Moldova) PDF  
  Gender statistics: Armenia Case (Armenia) PDF  
  Gender Equality Indicators in Health Domain (Georgia) PDF  
  Health indicators from a gender perspective (Kazakhstan)   PDF
  Children and adolescents    
  Demographic and Health Survey 2012 Tajikistan (Tajikistan)   PDF
  Children and adolescents in Uzbekistan (Uzbekistan)   PDF
  Tools of mass communication (Belarus)   PDF