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Group of experts on measuring quality of employment

Group of experts on measuring quality of employment

11 - 13 September 2013
Geneva Switzerland
Document Title Documents Presentations
Agenda PDF  
Report PDF  
Session 2:  Review of the work of the Expert Group on Measuring Quality of Employment
Presentation of the work of the Expert Group on Measuring Quality of Employment since 2012. Germany    PDF
Session 3:  The Statistical Framework for Measuring Quality of Employment
Statistical framework for measuring quality of employment PDF  
Presentation of the draft Statistical framework. Eurostat   PPT
Session 4:  Indicators for measuring quality of employment
Sub-dimension 1a - Safety at work. The Netherlands   PPT
Sub-dimension 1b – Child labour and forced labour. Moldova   PPT
Sub-dimension 1c – Fair treatment in employment. Germany   PDF
Sub-dimension 2a - Income from employment. Canada   PPT
Sub-dimension 2b – Non-wage pecuniary benefits. Luxembourg PDF PDF
Sub-dimension 3a – Working hours. Finland   PPT
Sub-dimension 3b – Working time arrangements. Switzerland   PPT
Sub-dimension 3c – Balancing work and non-working life. Israel   PPT
Sub-dimension 4a – Security of employment. Italy   PPT
Sub-dimension 4b - Social Protection. ILO   PPT
Proposed context indicators. ILO   PPT
Draft indicator definition sheets, dimensions 1 to 4 PDF  
Doom document: Relating quality of employment to informal employment. WIEGO PDF  
Session 5:  Review of indicators for dimension 5 – social dialogue
Measurement of Social Dialogue. ILO   PPT
Social dialogue indicators in Luxembourg. Luxembourg PDF PDF
Session 6:  Review of indicators for dimension 6 – skills development and training
Skills development and training. Finland   PPT
Session 7:  Review of indicators for Dimension 7 - Work motivation and workplace relationships
Workplace relationships and work motivation. Eurofound   PPT
Session 8: On-going work on measuring quality of employment
Employment quality indicators - national definition and data sources. Central Statistical Office of Poland PDF PPTX
Employment quality in OECD's How's Life initiative, OECD   PPT
Eurofound work on job quality indices, Eurofound   PPT