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Group of Experts on National Accounts: Measuring Global Production

Group of Experts on National Accounts: Measuring Global Production

07 - 09 July 2015
Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland
Document Title
Documents Presentations
1 Annotated provisional agenda


Rev.1 Annotated provisional agenda PDF      
2 Report PDF      
Data users’ viewpoint to global production
  Global Value Chains: Policy, Research and Data Requirements (Canada)       PDF
  Sweden’s economy – growing more knowledge intensive by global value chains (Sweden)       PDF
15 Closing the gaps between trade theories, trade policies and global production statistics: a practitioner's perspective (WTO) PDF     PDF
WP 1 The minimisation of profits tax by multinational companies and its effect on the measurement of global production (Robin Lynch, UK) PDF     PDF
Country experiences in dealing with global production in economic statistics
  Data collection, revision of questionnaires and compilation techniques
  The Use of Economic Surveys, Business Records and the Economic Census in the statistics of the Global Manufacturing Production (Mexico)       PDF
  The Compilation of Goods for Processing and Merchanting in Korea under BPM6 (Republic of Korea)       PDF
6 Rev.1 Strategies for collecting information related to Global Production (Canada) PDF     PDF
17 Estimating Foreign Trade According to 2008 SNA/BPM6 (Eurostat) PDF     PDF
14 Combining Administrative and Statistical Sources to Estimate Goods Sent Abroad for Processing in Italy PDF     PDF
  Discussant comments by Sally Thompson (US)       PDF
  New approaches to better understanding of the global economic landscape
4 The Inward Foreign Affiliate Statistics Program at Statistics Canada PDF PDF PDF PDF
13 Trading processing for goods: a different view from the past on Italian trade flows? (Italy) PDF     PDF
  International Data Exchange
5 International Data Sharing Agreements (Canada) PDF PDF PDF PDF
  Mirror comparison: Foreign affiliates statistics in Finland and in Norway (Finland)       PDF
  Discussant comments by Soli Peleg (Israel)       PDF
  Large Cases Units        
7 Large and complex enterprises units (TFGP) PDF PDF PDF PDF
  Global Manufacturing and Ireland’s Large Cases Unit (Ireland)       PDF
16 Profiling in France: Implementation and Results (France) PDF     PDF
Emerging conceptual issues in global production
8 Typology of Global Production Arrangements (TFGP) PDF PDF PDF PDF
3 Identifying Factoryless Goods Producers – Efforts to Date (US) PDF PDF PDF PDF
9 Research-based producers in Sweden PDF PDF PDF PDF
  Discussant comments by Sanjiv Mahajan (UK)       PDF
12 The European profiling of multinational enterprise groups and the European Enterprise Groups Register: crucial tools for improving business statistics (Eurostat) PDF     PDF
10 Merchanting of services (TFGP) PDF PDF PDF PDF
Global accounts
  Global Value Chain Analysis: Data Needs (Prof. Gary Gereffi and Prof. Frederick Mayer, Duke University)       PDF

Full International and Global Accounts for Research in Input-Output Analysis (Eurostat and DG Joint Research Centre, European Commission) PDF     PDF
  Extended Supply-Use Tables for Internationally Integrated Economic Accounts (OECD)       PDF
11 Identifying Heterogeneity in the Production Components of Globally Engaged Business Enterprises in the United States (US) PDF     PDF
WP 2 Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) Action 11: Improving the Analysis of BEPS (OECD discussion paper) PDF     PDF
  Developing A System of Extended International and Global Accounts (Steve Landefeld on behalf of UNSD)       PDF
  UN Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications (UK)       PDF
Information items        
WP 3 IMF Statistics Department: Path to BPM6 PDF      
WP 4 Combining the Global Value Chain and global I-O approaches (Dr. Stacey Frederick, Duke University) PDF     PDF
  Report of the Friends of the Chair group on the measurement of international trade and economic globalization PDF PDF PDF