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Expert Forum for producers and users of climate change-related statistics

Expert Forum for producers and users of climate change-related statistics

02 - 03 September 2015
Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland
Document Title
Documents Presentations
  Programme PDF PDF  
  Concept Note PDF    
  Report PDF    
  Key Outcomes PDF    
Setting the scene
  Welcome and opening addresses     PPP
  Steering Group on Climate change (SGCC); Terms of Reference and presentation ToR   PPP
  Climate change data: Where we are and where are we going? (Prof. Martin Beniston)     PPP
  CES Recommendations on climate change-related statistics (Rob Smith)     PPP
Responding to the needs of the new global climate agreement
  Background paper: NSO entry points PDF    
  Opening presentation: Current and emerging data needs of the global climate change regime (UNFCCC)     PPP
  Priority areas in establishing and enhancing collaboration between GHG inventories and statistics (Finland)     PPP
  Challenges and experiences from a country perspective (Bosnia Herzegovina)     PPP
  Discussion: How to prepare for emerging data needs?     PPP
Road map towards better climate change-related statistics
  Background paper: Recommendation ratings XLSX    
  CES Recommendations on Climate Change-Related Statistics PDF    
  Introduction to the session (Rob Smith)     PPP
  Statistical office publishing science-based climate change statistics collected by other government producers (Canada)     PPP
  Developing new statistics for climate analysis (Netherlands)     PPP
  Combining survey and administrative data to develop statistics for monitoring climate change (Ireland)     PPP
  Prioritizing the CES Recommendations on Climate Change-Related Statistics (Rob Smith)     PPP
  Discussion: What are the priorities for the road map?     PPP
Building capacity to provide climate change-related statistics
  Background paper: Capacity gaps in climate change PDF    
  Introduction to the session (Italy)     PPP
  Requirements and capacity-building needs of the UNFCCC process (IPCC)     PPP
  How geospatial statistics can measure climate change? (Sweden)     PPP
  FAOSTAT data and the associated capacity development (FAO)     PPP
  Discussion: How to improve capacity nationally and internationally?     PPP
Climate change and SDG indicators
  Task Force on a set of key climate change-related statistics using SEEA; Terms of Reference and presentation  ToR   PPP
  Background paper: TF approach on climate change statistics PDF    
  Introduction to the session (Italy)     PPP
  The process of setting up the SDG indicators (UNECE)     PPP
  UNECE Task Force: approach for selecting the set of climate indicators & ranking of related policy questions (Luxembourg)     PPP
  Discussion: What would be the key issues to be covered in the climate set?      
Emerging areas – Measuring extreme events
  Introduction to the session (WMO)      
  Introducing the UNECE Task Force on Measuring extreme events and disasters; Terms of reference and presentation (Italy) ToR   PPP
  Outcomes and recommendations of the ESCAP Expert Group on disaster-related statistics in Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP)     PPP
  UNISDR draft guidelines for disaster loss data collection (UNISDR)     PPP
  Inter-Operable Database for Regional Extreme Weather & Climate Events (Deutscher Wetterdienst)     PPP
  Guidance for recording and sharing disaster losses in the EU: a bottom-up collaborative process (European Commission)     PPP
  Discussion: What could be the role of official statisticians?     PPP
The way forward
  Key priorities for further work     PPP