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Workshop on the use of administrative data for measuring migration in Georgia

Workshop on the use of administrative data for measuring migration in Georgia

05 - 06 April 2016
Tbilisi Georgia
Document Title





  Report of the Workshop PDF  
  Session 1: Overview of sources of migration data in Georgia    
  Overview of sources of migration data in Georgia (Geostat) PPT PPT
  UNECE Clearing House of Migration Statistics – applications for Georgia (UNECE) PPT PPT
  Session 2: How to use administrative sources to measure migration    
  Administrative sources of statistics on  migration (Moscow State Lomonosov University) PPT PPT
  Session 3: Plans for future information system on migration in Georgia    
  Georgia's Unified Migration Analytical System (UMAS) (PSDA/State Commission on Migration Issues) PPT  
  Session 4: Integration of data sources and cooperation between the statistical office and different producers of administrative data    
  Use of Administrative Data for Migration Statistics in Switzerland (Switzerland) PPT PPT
  Basic information about the Norwegian system (Norway) PPT PPT
  Cooperation between the statistical office and producers of administrative data (Norway) PPT PPT
  Session 5: Methods for linking administrative sources    
  Methods for linking administrative sources in Norway PPT PPT