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11th SPECA Thematic Working Group on Statistics

11th SPECA Thematic Working Group on Statistics

19 - 21 October 2016
Astana Kazakhstan
Document Title
Documents Presentations
  Provisional Agenda   PDF   PDF    
  Information note PDF   PDF    
  Report PDF        
  Session 1: Progress in developing indicators for the sustainable development goals          
  UNECE work on statistics for Sustainable Development Goals       PDF PDF
  Data on implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in Azerbaijan       PDF PDF
  Sustainable Development Goals in Kazakhstan       PDF PDF
  Nationalization of SDGs in the Kyrgyz Republic       PDF PDF
  Sustainable Development Goals in Tajikistan       PDF PDF
  Inventory statistics in Turkmenistan with a position of assessing the implementation of objectives of Sustainable Development Goals          
  Session 2: Implementation of international recommendations for statistical business registers          
  Guidelines on Statistical Business Registers (UNECE)       PDF PDF
  Generic Statistical business register project in Norway       PDF PDF
  Improvement of the statistical business register in Turkmenistan          
  The role of statistical register in the statistical system of Tajikistan. Achievements and future tasks       PDF PDF
  Unified state register of statistical units in Kyrgyzstan       PDF PDF
  Statistical Business Register in Kazakhstan       PDF PDF
  National register of statistical units (business register) in the national statistical system of Azerbaijan       PDF PDF

UNECE Guidelines on SBR. Maintenance of the SBR

(Swiss Federal Statistics Office)

      PDF PDF

Business register as a basis for survey frames

(Swiss Federal Statistics Office)

      PDF PDF
  Background material          
  Guidelines on Statistical Business Registers/ Руководство по статистическому регистру предприятий Link   Link