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2nd Session Group of Experts on Gas

2nd Session Group of Experts on Gas

20 - 21 January 2015
Salle VII, Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland

As natural gas was becoming an ever more important part of the world primary energy mix, the UNECE gas experts explored the role of gas in achieving the objectives of the Sustainable Energy for All initiative. The experts were updated on the work of the four Task Forces that develop:

  • Best practice guidance in reducing gas leaks along the gas value chain
  • Best practice guidance on the role of natural gas in increasing the uptake of renewable energy
  • Best practice guidance for liquefied natural gas
  • Recommendations on removing barriers to the use of natural gas as a transportation fuel

The second session of the Group of Experts on Gas was preceded by the Industry Forum of the Gas Centre on Monday, 19 January 2015. The Forum focused on the outlook for long-term contracts in a globalising market and the role of natural gas in the international and European energy mix.




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Document Title & Symbol ENG FRE RUS
Logistical Information PDF    
Detailed Timeline
Draft as at 19 January 2015
Item 1: Adoption of the Agenda      
Annotated provisional agenda for the second session
Work Plan of the Group of Experts on Gas for 2014–2015 PDF PDF PDF
Report of the Group of Experts on Gas on its second session
Report of the Group of Experts on Gas on its first session
Item 6:  Draft ToR for TF on best practice guidance in reducing gas leaks along the gas value chain PDF    
Item 7: Draft ToR for TF on best practice guidance on the role of natural gas in increasing the uptake of renewable energy PDF    
Item 8: Draft ToR on TF on best practice guidance for liquefied natural gas PDF    
Item 9: Draft ToR for TF on recommendations for using NG in transport PDF    
Item 16: Adoption of Conclusions and Recommendations      
Draft Conclusions and Recommendations arising from the Second Session of the Group of Experts on Gas
(unofficial document in English only) - please note these draft conclusions and recommendations were developed by the Bureau of the Group of Experts and are not intended in any way to prejudice the discussions but rather to provide a draft text which will be updated as the meeting progresses


Presentation Title & Author ENG FRE RUS
Item 5: The role of gas in achieving the goals of the Sustainable Energy for All initiative      
How can natural gas industry help achieve the goals of the Sustainable Energy for All initiative?
Mats FREDRIKSSON, Director, The International Gas Union
Most recent developments in Israel and interactions between renewable energy and natural gas
Ron ADAM, Special Envoy for Energy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel
Europe’s changing regulatory landscape for gas
Katja YAFIMAVA, Senior Research Fellow, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies
Best Practice Policy Guidelines for Liquefied Natural Gas
Alexander KARASEVICH, Head, Department of Regional Energy  Industry Economics and Energy Efficiency, Professor, DSc Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas
Item 6: Best practice guidance in reducing gas leaks along the gas value chain      
The role of the Task Force on best practice guidance in reducing gas leaks along the gas value chain in reaching objectives of SE4All
Tamás KŐRÖSI, Vice-chair, Group of Experts on Gas
Item 7: Best practice guidance on the role of natural gas in increasing the uptake of renewable energy      
Status after 1st TF B Meeting
Jan Ingwersen, ENTSOG, Chair of Task Force B
Smart gas grids for a smart energy system
Tim Cayford, Policy Adviser
What happened to the golden age of gas in Europe? Gas Advocacy : What can the natural gas industry do?
Thierry Deschuyteneer, Vice-Chairman GasNaturally
The role of natural gas in increasing the uptake of renewable energy
Simon MÜLLER, Energy Analyst, System Integration of Renewables, Renewable Energy Division, International Energy Agency
Item 8: Best practice guidance for liquefied natural gas      
Best Practice Policy Guidelines for LNG
UNECE Group of Experts on Gas
Challenges of developing new Small Scale LNG infrastructure
Update on U.S. Natural Gas Markets and Industry: January 2015
Benjamin Schlesinger, President, Benjamin Schlesinger and Associates, LLC, USA
Perspectives of LNG development in the Russian Federation Regions (production, organization of efficient market)
Alexander KARASEVICH, Head, Department of Regional Energy  Industry Economics and Energy Efficiency, Professor, DSc Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas
GIIGNL Presentation
Jean-Yves Robin, General Delegate, International Group of Liquefied Natural Gas Importers
Item 9: Removing barriers to the use of natural gas as a transportation fuel      
Removing barriers to the use of Natural gas as a transportation fuel -UN ECE - Group of Experts on Gas (Task Force D)
Francisco P. de la FLOR GARCIA Chair, Group of Experts on Gas
Potential for Natural Gas and BioMethane in Transports
Lennart Pilskog, Secretary General,NGVA Europe
Compressed natural Gas in Slovenia
Andrej Stušek, Managing director, Enos, d.d., Jesenice, Slovenia
CNG & LNG Safety: Perceptions & Reality
Jeffrey Seisler, Clean Fuels Consulting/CEO, Clean Fuel Consulting, NGV Global (International Association for Natural Gas Vehicles)
Natural gas as a vehicle fuel “the need for speed in Europe”
Timo Vehrs, Director Business Development, GAZPROM Germania GmbH
Item 10: Tour de table - recent developments and medium- and long-term prospects and policies in the gas industry – country updates      
Stuart MACDONALD, LNG New Markets - Technology,  Projects and Technology Shell PDF    
Alexander ERKOV, Deputy Director, Oil and Gas Production and Transportation Department, Ministry of Energy of the, Russian Federation     PDF
Wilhelmus (Wim) van't HOF, Head of Unit Gas Market, Ministry of Economic Affairs, The Netherlands PDF    
Adel Mahmoud IBRAHIM, Assistant Vice Chairman for Economic Gas Utilization Economic and Commercial Affairs, Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company, Egypt PDF    
Anatolii ANDRIIEVSKYI, Head, Technical Policy Subdepartment, NJSC "Naftogaz of Ukraine" PDF    
Ali Khalaf AL-KAABI, Marketing Long Term Sales Manager, Long Term Sales Department, RasGas Company Limited PDF    
Tamas Korosi, Senior Leading Advisor, Hungary PDF    
Arzu Hacer Günel, Natural Gas Supply and Export Manager and Aylin Serin Özsaraç, Pricing Expert, Botas, Turkey PDF