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SPECA Working Group on Statistics

SPECA Working Group on Statistics

24 - 26 October 2017
Dushanbe Tajikistan
Document Title
Documents Presentations
  Provisional Agenda   PDF   PDF    
  Information note PDF   PDF    
Background papers
Session 1
  Global indicator framework for SDGs and latest developments (UNECE)       PDF  
  Progress in development of SDG indicators (Azerbaijan)         PDF
  Advancing official statistics for the 2030 Agenda (UNESCAP)       PDF  
Session 2
  Introduction to Administrative Data (UNECE)       PDF  
  Using Tax Data for Statistical
Business Registers (SBR) (UNESCAP)
  Agriculture & Business Registers (UNESCAP)       PDF PDF
  Quality issues in using administrative data for Business Registers (EFTA)       PDF  
  Data sources for Business Registers (EFTA)       PDF  
  Population and housing censuses (Norway)       PDF  
  Using administrative data for Social Statistics (Norway)       PDF  
  Using administrative data in official statistics in Azerbaijan (Azerbaijan)         PDF
Additional background papers