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Workshop on Statistical Data Collection

Workshop on Statistical Data Collection

10 - 12 October 2017
Ottawa Canada
Doc. no. Document Title Papers Presentations
INF.1 Information Note 1 PDF  
INF.2 Information Note 2 PDF  
  Timetable PDF  
Welcome and other presentations
  Welcome and opening remarks UNECE: Taeke Gjaltema (UNECE)    
  Welcome address Statistics Canada: Stéphane Dufour (Assistant Chief Statistician, Statistics Canada)    
WP.0-2 Key note speech: Web-push surveys and the world-wide challenge of being neither too far ahead nor behind our respondents. Don A Dillman (Washington State University)   Presentation
Session 1: Alternative sources and ways of data collection to reduce survey burden
Session organizers: Lise Rivais (Statistics Canada) and Niki Stylianidou (Eurostat)
WP.1-1 Evaluating the Use of Publicly Available Building Permit Data to Compliment Data Collection and Analysis of Construction Surveys: 
Angela Delano (US Census Bureau)
Paper Presentation
WP.1-2 Integration of administrative and survey data to reduce respondent burden: the Italian experience in the field of agriculture statistics:
Monica Perez & Colomba Sermoneta (Istat, Italy)
Paper Presentation
WP.1-4 Reducing Survey Burden Through Third-Party Data Sources:
Rebecca Hutchinson (US Census Bureau)
Paper Presentation
WP.1-5 Dissolving Questionnaire Borders with Technology: 
Jeldrik Bakker, Bjoern Ole Mussmann, Barry Schouten & Rob Warmerdam (Statistics Netherlands)
Paper Presentation
WP.1-6 Using Administrative Data for Statistical purposes - Statistics Portugal Experience:
Paulo Saraiva and Almiro Moreira (Statistics Portugal)
Paper Presentation
WP.1-7 Centre for Big Data Statistics: 
Barteld Braaksma (Statistics Netherlands)
Paper Presentation
WP.0-3 Blue Sky Thinking Network: 
Barteld Braaksma (Statistics Netherlands/UNECE)
Session 2: Modernisation of data collection 
Session Organizers: Paulo Saraiva (Statistics Portugal) and Niki Stylianidou (Eurostat)
WP.2-1 Transformation of UK Business Data Collection.
Debra Prestwood, Nick Barford & Louise Morris (ONS, United Kingdom)
Paper  Presentation
WP.2-2 Modernisation of Business Statistics data collection.
Tara Davis (CSO, Ireland)
Paper  Presentation
WP.2-3 Phoenix: Redsign of the data collection process and systems.
Marc Houben (Statistics Netherlands)
Paper  Presentation
WP.2-4 Transforming social survey data collection in the UK - opportunities and challenges.
Ian O’Sullivan and Ed Dunn (ONS, United Kingdom)
Paper  Presentation
WP.2-5 A standard procedure for the optimization of surveys questionnaires design.
Stefania Macchia (Istat, Italy)
Paper  Presentation
WP.2-6 Standardized and modernized data editing in Statistics Denmark.
Hanne-Pernille Stax (Statistics Denmark)
Paper  Presentation
WP.2-7 Moving to Automated Collection using SDMX.
Gareth McGuinness (International Monetary Fund)
Paper  Presentation
Session 3: Use of new technologies, skills and mind-set for data collection
Session Organizers: Bilal Kurban (Turkish Statistical Institute) and Barteld Braaksma (Statistics Netherlands)
WP.3-2 The impact of ongoing technical developments on the entire data production – from concepts, programming to testing and data collection.
Karen Blanke (Destatis, Germany)
Paper  Presentation
WP.3-3 Agricultural Census in Montenegro – methods of data collection.
Dragan Pekovic (MONSTAT, Montenegro)
Paper  Presentation
WP.3-4 Survey Solutions - an integrated system of data collection, survey management and data aggregation.
Michael Lokshin (Worldbank)
Paper  Presentation
WP.3-5 Questionnaire design for smartphones (and tablets) – an on-going journey from mobile unfriendly to mobile friendly to mobile optimization.
Jeldrik Bakker and Bjoern Ole Mussmann (Statistics Netherlands)
Paper  Presentation
WP.3-6 A citizen data app: reflections on a collaborative practice.
Evelyn Ruppert and Francisca Grommé (Goldsmiths, University of London)
Paper  Presentation
WP.1-3 Surveying Informal Enterprises: Applying Stratified Adaptive Cluster Sampling using CAPI with Implementation and Monitoring Tools.
Gemechu Aga, David C Francis & Michael Wild (World Bank)
Paper  Presentation
Session 4: Management of data collection
Session Organizers: Paulo Saraiva (Statistics Portugal) and Evelyn Ruppert (Goldsmith -University of London)
WP.4-1 Active Management Framework to Monitor and Manage Data Collection.
François Laflamme, Dominique Chabot-Hallé, Sylvie Bonhomme and Dennis Galante (Statistics Canada)
Paper  Presentation
WP.4-2 Modernizing data collection preparation, management, data correction. Integration of data collection infrastructures and technologies to optimize processes and resources.
Heidi Pellmas (Statistics Estonia)
Paper Presentation
WP.4-3 Intersectoral partnership and outsourcing of data collection in the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia.
Vojko Segan (Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia)
Paper Presentation
WP.4-5 Statistics Canada’s Experiences to Manage Responsive Collection Design for Household Surveys.
François Laflamme, Dominique Chabot-Hallé & Sylvain Hamel (Statistics Canada)
Paper Presentation
WP.4-6 Planning the 2020 Census in Mexico: perspective and challenges for data collection.
Carole Schmitz (INEGI, Mexico)
Paper Presentation
WP.4-7 CORStat as a tool for managing surveys and interviewers.
Magdalena Janczur (Statistics Poland)
Paper Presentation
Session 5: Communication with Respondents
Session Organizer: Frances Comerford, Central Statistics Office, Ireland
WP.5-1 Optimization of data collection from enterprises by use of nudging initiatives.
Carsten Zornig (Statistics Denmark)
Paper Presentation
WP.5-2 Communication with respondents in business surveys conducted by Reporting Portal.
Anna Dlugosz (Central Statistical Office Poland)
Paper Presentation
WP.5-3 How to motivate and catch hard-to-reach groups in household surveys.
Vesa Virtanen (Statistics Finland)
Paper Presentation
WP.5-4 Activities to reduce response burden: pre-filling of questionnaires, development of questionnaires and electronic data submission environment eSTAT based on feedback from respondents and data processing phase.
Epp Karus (Statistics Estonia)
Paper Presentation
WP.5-5 Using Behavioural Science to influence respondents … and ourselves.
Helen Moore (ONS, United Kingdom)
Paper Presentation