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Group of Experts on Measuring Quality of Employment

Group of Experts on Measuring Quality of Employment

04 - 06 October 2017
Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland
Document Title
Documents Presentations
  Information note PDF  
  Provisional Agenda as of 27/9/2017 PDF  
  Report PDF  
  Session 1: Progress of the Steering Group on Measuring Quality of Employment    
  Report of the work of the Steering Group (Switzerland)   PDF
  Report on the outcome of the Survey on the Handbook on Measuring Quality of Employment (UNECE)   PDF
  Session 2: Impact of the 19th ICLS resolution    
  ICLS Resolution - ICSE revision (ILO)   PDF
  Impact of 19th ICLS resolution on the Statistical Framework (ILO)   PDF
  Session 3: Experiences with quality of employment indicators     
  Integration of Quality of Employment indicators in Well-being, Sustainability, and National Resilience Indicators framework in Israel (Israel)



  Exploring quality of employment by using Austrian LFS data (Austria)   PDF
  Article on a cross-national comparison of quality of employment (Switzerland)   PDF
  Session 4: New forms of work and their measurement    
  Measuring the "Gig" economy (USA)   PDF
  Challenges of measuring the digitalized labour market (Finland)   PDF
  Session 5: Future work agenda topics    
  Measurement of discrimination (OECD)   PDF
  Question of discrimination and the Finnish results (Finland)   PDF
  Measurement of job satisfaction: Italian experiences (Italy)   PDF
  Indicators on Work-Life-Balance. What matters for the reconciliation of work and private life? (Eurostat)   PDF
  The Swiss approach to present the indicators (Switzerland)   PDF
  Inputs from the Task Force on leading, composite and sentiment indicators (UNECE)    PDF
  Session 6: Experiences from countries    
  Declining labour force participation rates in the U.S.(USA)   PDF
  Canadian experiences with indicator 3C3 Commuting time (Canada)   PDF
  Session 7: Frameworks related to quality of employment    
  UNECE indicators on quality of employment in Eurostat's online database (Eurostat)   PDF
  Comparison of the DWMF and FMQE (ILO)   PDF
  Guidelines for Measuring the Quality of the Working Environment (OECD)   PDF
  Session 8: Qualifications and skills    
  Measurement qualification and skills mismatch (ILO)   PDF