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Meeting of the Group of Experts on National Accounts: Measuring Global Production

Meeting of the Group of Experts on National Accounts: Measuring Global Production

31 May - 02 June 2017
Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland
Document Title
Documents Presentations
  Provisional Timetable PDF PDF  
1 Annotated Agenda PDF PDF  
2 Report PDF    
2. Country experience with measuring global production
5 Consistency between NA and BOP statistics – the status of consistency in the nonfinancial accounts (Eurostat) PDF   PDF
  From BOP totals to detailed supply and use products (Denmark)     PDF
  Integrating BOP and Sector Accounts in the Netherlands     PDF
  OECD Handbook on linking trade and business statistics     PDF
8 How to implement the principle of economic ownership (Eurostat) PDF PDF PDF
12 Measuring Global production: Results of the Stocktaking Exercise (Eurostat) PDF PDF PDF
10 Paging and Collecting Global Production Data in Indonesia PDF PDF PDF
7 Highlights and Challenges of Measuring Global Production (United States) PDF   PDF
  Identifying Global Value Chains in Mexico: Challenges     PDF
  Factoryless Goods Production – a Case Example from Current Prices to Volume Measures in Finland     PDF
  Discussant: Mark de Haan (Netherlands)     PDF
3. Data exchange and confrontation
16 Countries’ experience in the exchange of economic data (UNECE) PDF PDF PDF
15 New approach to data suppression in macroeconomic accounts (Canada) PDF PDF PDF
CES 10 In-depth review of exchange of economic data and data sharing (Finland) PDF PDF PDF
  International Collaboration for Microdata Access: Lessons from OECD work     PDF
BUR 4 Terms of reference for the Task Force on exchange and sharing of economic data PDF    
  Addressing Bilateral Asymmetries in the Coordinated Direct Investment Survey (IMF)     PDF
  G20 DGI – data sharing (Eurostat)     PDF
4. Large and complex enterprises units and international profiling
18 Profiling Multinational Corporations in Australia and the Impacts on the Australian National Accounts PDF PDF PDF
11 EuroGroups Register and Profiling of the largest multinational groups (Eurostat) PDF   PDF
  Introducing profiling in Germany: conceptional and practical implications     PDF
13 Statistics Canada’s Enterprise Portfolio Management – Profiling of Large and Complex Enterprises PDF PDF PDF
  Setting up a Large Cases Unit (LCU): Why, how and who? (Denmark)     PDF
  Operation of the Large Cases Unit (Ireland)     PDF
5. Price and volume measures
  Challenges in compiling price and volume measures related to global production (Norway)     PDF
9 Czech Approach to Price and Volume Measures of Global Production (Czechia) PDF PDF PDF
17 Measuring Prices and Volumes for Multinational Enterprises (Australia) PDF PDF PDF
6. Global Production Insights

Update on Country by Country reporting under the BEPS project (OECD)

Guidance on the implementation of the CbC reports

14 Canada in the Global Economy – A New Perspective PDF PDF PDF
WP1 Reprot of the Economic Statistics Review Group (Ireland) PDF   PDF
WP2 Response to the Main Recommendations of the Economic Statistics Review Group (Ireland) PDF    
7. Global accounts
  Handbook on Accounting for Global Value Chains (Ireland)     PDF
  Measuring Global Value Chains (UNSD)     PDF
  The Financial Side of Global Value Chains (IMF)     PDF
  Expert group on extended supply-use tables: Results (OECD)     PDF
3 FIGARO Project: Recent Progress (Eurostat) PDF   PDF
4 Globalisation and financial stability risks (BIS) PDF PDF PDF
8. Information items
6 EU Task Force on factoryless goods producers (Eurostat) PDF   PDF