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High-level Seminar on the Process-oriented Approach to Statistical Production

High-level Seminar on the Process-oriented Approach to Statistical Production

19 - 21 April 2017
Republic of Korea
Document Title
Documents Presentations
  Tentative Timetable PDF      
  Information Note 1 PDF      
  Information Note 2 PDF      
  Resource guide PDF      
  Report PDF      
  Opening remarks        

Statistics Korea



  Theme 1: Transition to process-oriented structure        
  Mexico - Julio Santaella, President, INEGI       PDF
  Italy - Giorgio Alleva, President, ISTAT       PDF
  Theme 2: Organisational structures to support modernisation        
  Australia - Jonathan Palmer, Deputy Australian Statistician, ABS       PDF
  Ireland - Padraig Dalton, Director General, CSO Ireland       PDF
  Theme 3: Portfolio management of innovation processes        
  Canada - Stéphane Dufour, Assistant Chief Statistician, Statistics Canada       PDF
  Eurostat - Emanuele Baldacci, Director, Directorate B, Eurostat       PDF
  Theme 4: Providing statistical services to government        
  The Netherlands - Bert Kroese, Deputy Director-General, Statistics Netherlands       PDF
  New Zealand - Daria Kwon, Senior Manager, Statistics New Zealand       PDF