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(AC.10/C.4) ECOSOC Sub-Committee of Experts on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (38th session)

(AC.10/C.4) ECOSOC Sub-Committee of Experts on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (38th session)

11 - 13 December 2019


ST/SG/AC.10/C.4/75/Add.1 - (Secretariat) Agenda for the thirty-eighth session
  English DOC PDF
  French DOC PDF
ST/SG/AC.10/C.4/75 - (Secretariat) Agenda for the thirty-eighth session
  English DOC PDF
  French DOC PDF


ST/SG/AC.10/C.4/76 - (Secretariat) Report of the Sub-Committee of Experts on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals on its thirty-eighth session (11-13 December 2019) List of participants
English DOC PDF
French DOC PDF

Working Documents

ST/SG/AC.10/C.4/2019/15 - (United Kingdom) Corrections and amendments to Annex 3, sections 2 and 3
English DOC PDF
French DOC PDF
ST/SG/AC.10/C.4/2019/14 - (OECD) Review and update of references to OECD guidance documents and test guidelines in the GHS
English DOC PDF
French DOC PDF
ST/SG/AC.10/C.4/2019/13 - (Australia, Canada) Proposed clarification for the heading of section 9 of the Safety Data Sheet
English DOC PDF
French DOC PDF
ST/SG/AC.10/C.4/2019/12 - ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2019/67 - (United Kingdom) Proposed changes to Annex 1 of the GHS
English DOC PDF
French DOC PDF
ST/SG/AC.10/C.4/2019/11 - ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2019/68 - (France) Tests for oxidizing liquids and oxidizing solidsimprovement regarding consideration for particle size, friable or coated materials
English DOC PDF
French DOC PDF
ST/SG/AC.10/C.4/2019/10 - (Sweden) Review of GHS Chapter 2.1 GHS (explosives) – status report on the development of an extended classification system
English DOC PDF
French DOC PDF
ST/SG/AC.10/C.4/2019/9 - (Secretariat) References to the Model Regulations, numbering of criteria in tables 2.3.1 and 3.2.2, correction to Annex 7 (example 10) and design of decision logics
English DOC PDF
French DOC PDF
ST/SG/AC.10/C.4/2019/8 - (Secretariat) Corrections to hazard statements H410, H411 and H412
English DOC PDF
French DOC PDF

Informal Documents

UN/SCEGHS/38/INF.32  (Sweden) Outcome of the discussions in the meeting of the informal correspondence group on the review of GHS Chapter 2.1 on the 11th December 2019
English DOC PDF
UN/SCEGHS/38/INF.31  (United States of America) Alternative proposal to INF.4: Proposed clarification of eye irritation sub-categorization
English DOC PDF
UN/SCEGHS/38/INF.30  (Germany) Informal Working Group on combinations of physical hazards: Report back of the working group meeting on11 December 2019
English DOC PDF
UN/SCEGHS/38/INF.29  (United States of America) Update on the work of the Practical Classification Issues Informal Correspondence Group
English DOC PDF
UN/SCEGHS/38/INF.28  (Secretariat) Work of the Sub-Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods on its fifty-sixth session on matters of interest to the GHS Sub-Committee
English DOC PDF
UN/SCEGHS/38/INF.27  (United States, Canada) Global List informal correspondence group update
English DOC PDF
UN/SCEGHS/38/INF.26  (Sweden) Provisional agenda for the meeting of the informal correspondence group on the review of GHS Chapter 2.1
English DOC PDF
UN/SCEGHS/38/INF.25  (Cefic) Revision of examples 1 – 7 in Annex 7
English DOC PDF
UN/SCEGHS/38/INF.24  (IPIECA) Update of the IPIECA Guidance on the application of Globally Harmonized System (GHS) criteria to petroleum substances
English   PDF
UN/SCEGHS/38/INF.23  (United Kingdom) Status of work of the Annex 1-3 informal working group
English DOC PDF
UN/SCEGHS/38/INF.22  (CEFIC) Second thought starter on digitalisation of hazard information for chemical products
English DOC PDF
UN/SCEGHS/38/INF.21  (ICCA) ICCA awareness raising and capacity building activities
English DOC PDF
UN/SCEGHS/38/INF.20  (United Kingdom, Netherlands) Use of non-animal testing methods for classification of health hazards: status report
English DOC PDF
UN/SCEGHS/38/INF.19 (Cefic) Information on the status of implementation of the GHS
English PDF Excel
UN/SCEGHS/38/INF.18-UN/SCETDG/56/INF.39 (France) Tests for oxidizing liquids and oxidizing solidsImprovement regarding consideration for particle size, friable or coated materials: additional information on document ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2019/68−ST/SG/AC.10/C.4/2019/11
English DOC PDF
UN/SCEGHS/38/INF.17-UN/SCETDG/56/INF.36 (Germany) Informal Working Group on combinations of physical hazards: Status of work and agenda for the working group meeting on 11 December 2019 H:
English DOC PDF
UN/SCEGHS/38/INF.16  (Secretariat) Strategic approach and sound management of chemicals and waste beyond 2020
English DOC PDF
 UN/SCEGHS/38/INF.15-UN/SCETDG/56/INF.31(Chairman of the Working Group on Explosives) Manual of Tests and Criteria, update test Series H: determination of self-accelerating decomposition temperature
English DOC PDF
UN/SCEGHS/38/INF.14-UN/SCETDG/56/INF.32 (Secretariat) Accreditation of experts
English DOC PDF
UN/SCEGHS/38/INF.13  (Secretariat) GHS implemetation status in New Zealand and in the ANDEAN community
English DOC PDF
UN/SCEGHS/38/INF.12-UN/SCETDG/56/INF.18  (Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions) Expert Working Group on the review of Annexes to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal
English DOC PDF
UN/SCEGHS/38/INF.11-UN/SCETDG/56/INF.12  (China) Clarification of paragraph of Model Regulations and paragraph of GHS
English DOC PDF
UN/SCEGHS/38/INF.10  (Secretariat) Provisional timetable for the thirty-eighth session and calendar of meetings of informal working groups
English DOC PDF
UN/SCEGHS/38/INF.9  (Secretariat) Review and update of references to documents and test guidelines in annexes 9 and 10 of the GHS and comments to ST/SG/AC.10/C.4/2019/14
English DOC PDF
UN/SCEGHS/38/INF.8  (Secretariat) Definitions and use of acronyms and abbreviations in the GHS
English DOC PDF
UN/SCEGHS/38/INF.7  (Secretariat) Corrections to the eighth revised edition of the GHS
English DOC PDF
UN/SCEGHS/38/INF.6-UN/SCETDG/56/INF.8  (Sweden) Advanced draft of a new Chapter 2.1 for the GHS
English DOC PDF
UN/SCEGHS/38/INF.5  (Australia) Information on the status of GHS implementation in Australia
English DOC PDF
UN/SCEGHS/38/INF.4/Rev.1  (Australia) Proposed clarification of eye irritation sub-categorization
English DOC PDF
UN/SCEGHS/38/INF.4  (Australia) Proposed clarification of eye irritation sub-categorization
English DOC PDF
UN/SCEGHS/38/INF.3  (OECD) Review and update of references to OECD guidance documents and test guidelines in the GHS
English DOC PDF
UN/SCEGHS/38/INF.2  (Secretariat) Agenda for the thirty-eighth session
English DOC PDF
UN/SCEGHS/38/INF.1  (Secretariat) List of documents
English DOC PDF