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CES Bureau meeting

CES Bureau meeting

14 - 15 February 2017
Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland


  Document Title
  Report PDF      
01/Rev.1 Provisional Agenda PDF      
02 In-depth review on data integration PDF      
03 Topics for in-depth review PDF      
04 Terms of Reference for the TF on exchange and sharing of economic data PDF      
05 CES work on Consumer Price Indices PDF      
05/Add.1 ToR for the Steering Group on CPI PDF      
06 ToR on Satellite Accounts for Education and Training PDF      
08 Progress report of the TF on extreme events and disasters PDF      
09 ToR on Inclusion of Institutions PDF      
10 ToR of the Steering Group on Poverty PDF      
11 ToR on Household power and decision-making PDF      
12 Outcomes of the activity of the HLG for Modernisation of Official statistics in 2016 PDF      
13 Concept Note for follow-up work on Strategic Partnerships in Official statistics PDF      
14 Geospatial work PDF      
15 CES Seminar - Draft outline on Measuring Poverty PDF      
16 CES Seminar - Draft outline on the Next generation of statisticians PDF      
17 Annotated provisional agenda of the 2017 CES Plenary session PDF      
24 Programme of Work of the Statistics sub-programme for 2018-2019 PDF      
25 Implementation of the Statistical programme 2016 PDF