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6th International Forum on Energy for Sustainable Development

6th International Forum on Energy for Sustainable Development

29 September - 02 October 2015
Yerevan Armenia

Common actions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal on Energy Agreed at the 6th International Forum on Energy for Sustainable Development
UNECE Press Release. 29 September 2015

The Sixth International Forum on Energy for Sustainable Development will be held in Yerevan, Armenia, on 29 September - 2 October 2015. The Forum is organized by the Government of Armenia, the United Nations Regional Commissions, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Office in Armenia, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency (C2E2), the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN), and Habitat for Humanity International. The Forum is one of the important events of the UN Decade of Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) 2014-2024. Like the 2014 Forum in Hammamet, the Forum will emphasize attaining the three objectives of the SE4All Initiative of the UN Secretary-General by 2030: ensuring universal access to modern energy services, doubling the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency and doubling the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix.

At the Fifth Forum in Hammamet, the Executive Secretaries of the United Nations Regional Commissions signed a joint statement (the Hammamet Declaration), which received a widespread acclaim at the Forum and beyond. In their joint statement, they affirmed that the objectives of energy sustainability are attainable, and need to contradict more short-term considerations, if the world embarks on a determined, collective effort. The joint statement is a call for action to their respective member States, highlighting in particular three key components: a) Energy efficiency in most countries needs to improve more quickly; b) Renewable energy policies need to be redesigned; and c) Equitable access to modern energy services requires mobilizing adequate resources.

The Forum's High-Level session and plenary sessions on the first day will look into ways to make the Hammamet Declaration operational, with a possible designing of a scorecard for countries to report on their achievements. Parallel events on the second and third day will include: Workshop on Energy Efficiency for Sustainable Cities; Training Course on Business Planning for Renewable Energy Investments Projects; Round Table on Power Trade and Inter-grid Connectivity in Central Asia and the Caucasus; Workshop on Access to Energy in Remote Areas; Workshop on Industry Accelerator; Workshop on Status and Best Practices on Energy Efficiency; and Regional Forum for CTCN National Designated Entities. A site visit will be organized on the fourth day of the Forum.


Document Title and Symbol ENG FRE RUS
Agenda PDF   PDF
Concept Note 
Sixth International Forum
Statement of Common Action PDF   PDF
Joint Statement
Fifth International Forum (4 - 7 November 2014, Hammamet, Tunisia)
Info Note PDF  


Presentation Title & Author ENG FRE RUS
Day 1 (29 September 2015)      
Plenary Sessions      
High-Level Policy Dialogue: Follow-up to the Hammamet Declaration: Implementing a Common Agenda      
Mohammed Abdel Fattah Mofleh Al Dabbas, Ministers Advisor for Energy Affairs, Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources, Jordan PDF    
Ahmed Mohamed Mahina,Undersecretary of State for Authorities’ Follow up, Ministry of Electricity,
Plenary Session 1: Redefining the Energy System for Tomorrow: Paving the Path Beyond Paris      
Patrick Willems, Operations Officer, International Finance Corporation (IFC) – Europe and Central Asia Department PDF    
Sicheng Wang, Deputy Director of Solar PV Committee, Chinese Renewable Energy Society PDF    
Plenary Session 2: Accelerating Energy Efficiency Action and Investment      
SE4All's Global Tracking Framework
Vivien Foster, World Bank
The RISE of International Action on Energy Efficiency
Tim Farrell, Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency
Driving Energy Efficiency Globally: the G20 Energy Efficiency Action Plan and Financing Accelerated Action
Stefan Buettner, International Partnership for Energy Efficiency Cooperation (IPEEC)
Industrial Energy Efficiency Accelerator
Rana Ghoneim, UNIDO
Experience of Portugal in Promoting Energy Efficiency
Gabriela Prata Dias, Adene – Energy Agency, Portugal
Energy Efficiency as a Driver of Green Growth
Prasoon Agarwal, Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI)
Presentation and Launch of Best Policy Practices for Promoting Energy Efficiency
Robert Tromop, Expert
De-risking Energy Efficiency Investment
Oliver Waissbein, UNDP
Site Visit      
Khoren and Shoushanig Avedisian High School and Community Center: Green Building Practices
Armen Gharibyan, LEED AP BD+C, International Member of Association of Energy Engineers (AEE), USA


Presentations Title and Author ENG FRE RUS
Day 2-3 (30 September - 1 October 2015)      
Training Course on Business Planning for Renewable Energy Investment Projects      
Opening Panel      
Oleg Dzioubinski, Viktor Badaker, UNECE PDF    
Viktor Badaker, Mongi Bida, UNECE, ESCWA PDF    
Deltcho Vitchev, Training Facilitator, Renaissance Finance International:      
Guide and forms      
Guide to Project Finance Business Plans PDF    
Business Plan Spreadsheet revised Excel    
Standard project identification form Word   Word
Legal Documentation      
Common Terms Agreement PDF    
Contents of a Typical Shareholders' Agreement PDF    
Definitions and Interpretation Example Headings PDF    
List of Agreements in a Typical Project Finance Structure PDF    
Mezzanine Debt Term Sheet Headings PDF    
Project Support Agreement Headings PDF    
Senior Debt Term Sheet - Indicative Financing Terms and Conditions PDF    
Typical Loan Agreement Headings PDF    
Typical PPA headings PDF    
Facilitating Renewable Energy Finance Presenting your Project to Financial Institutions PDF    
Main Issues Related to Project Finance and Bankable Renewable Energy Rojects PDF    
Risk and Banking PDF    
Solar Risk Matrix PDF    
Financial and Cash Flow Analysis Methods PDF    
Discount Rate PDF    
Fotmula new for Calculation of Compounded Interest on Deposit PDF    
Formulae for Calculation of Interest, Loan Repayments and Deposits PDF    
Nominal to Effective Rate PDF
Investor Requirements for Renewable Energy Project Finance PDF    
Requirements to Project Developers/Project Sponsors PDF    
Contract for Difference UK PDF    
The Net Benefits of Low and No-carbon Electricity Technologies PDF    
Cashflow Example Excel    
Training Course on Business Planning for Renewable Energy Investment Projects
Improving data and information for investment promotion

Moderator: Mr. Gianluca Sambucini, UNECE
The UNECE work on the  investment conditions for  renewable energy  projects through the Group of Experts on Renewable Energy (GERE)
Gianluca Sambucini, UNECE
Key findings from the UNECE Renewable Energy Status Report
Martin Hullin, Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21)
Snapshot of the Solar PV Market 2015 and Beyond
Kenell J. Touryan, American University in Armenia (AUA)
Innovative Photovoltaic plants for private consumption. Experiences and research results in Switzerland,  opportunities for Armenia, best practice example in Spitak
Andreas Dreisiebner, Solarspar, Switzerland
Experience with Renewable Energy Financing Instruments
Moderator: Mr. Gianluca Sambucini, UNECE
Financing Renewable Energy Projects: Lessons Learned in Russia
Patrick Willems, Interantional Finance Corporation (IFC)
Karen Arabyan, Director, Energocredit (EBRD ArmSEFF) PDF    
Renewable energy finance and market development (example of Jordan)
Mary Worzala, Deloitte
Regional Forum for CTCN National Designated Entities      
Session 1 - CTCN Overview      
CTCN Overview  PDF    
Session 2 - CTCN Overview (cont.)      
Linking CTCN activities with other processes under the Convention
Asher Lessels, Finance, Technology and Capacity Building Programme, UNFCCC secretariat
Session 3 – The CTCN within UNFCCC context      
Day 2 (30 September 2015)      
Session 1 - The Crucial Role of NDEs      
Technical Assistance Process PDF    
Session 2 - Technical Assistance Process      
Generating Successful Requests PDF    
Session 3 – Experience-sharing on Technical Assistance      
Bethany Speer
Martin Spath
NDE Syria
Ammar Abbas
NDE Bosnia and Herzegovina
Djordje Vojinovic
Session 4 – Generating successful requests for technical assistance      
National Designated Entities PDF    
Crucial Role of NDEs
Ministry of Environment, Jordan
Day 3 (1 October 2015)      
Session 1 - The practical uses of intellectual property (IP) for
enabling deployment of technologies
Session 2 - Linking CTCN Assistance with Financial Institution      
The Green Climate Fund PDF    
Session 3 - Opportunities for Private Sector Engagement      
Session 4 – CTCN opportunities and services into action      
Day 2 (20 September 2015)      
Workshop on Energy Efficiency for Sustainable Cities      
Session 1: Energy Efficiency in Buildings - best practices      
Domenica Carriero, Project Manager, Housing and Land Management Unit, UNECE, Switzerland PDF    
Vahram Jalalyan, Project Manager, UNDP Armenia     PDF
Kakhramon Usmanov, Project Manager, Energy Efficient Public Buildings project, UNDP, Uzbekistan     PDF
Irina Atamuradova, Programme Component Manager on Low-emission Development, UNDP, Turkmenistan (TBC)     PDF
Vitaliy Bekker, Project Manager, UNDP Russia     PDF
Andrei Miniankou, Head of Section, Department for Energy Efficiency, State Committee on Standardization of the Republic of Belarus PDF    
Session 2. Energy efficiency in buildings – approaches of international partners      
Ksenia Petrichenko, Copenhagen Center on Energy Efficiency, Denmark PDF    
Amina Lang, International Communications, International Passive House Association (IPHA), Germany PDF    
Gabriela Prata Dias, Adene – Energy Agency, Portugal PDF    
Hayk Petrosyan, USAID PDF    
Gyorgy Sumeghy, Advocacy Manager, Habitat for Humanity International, Europe, Middle East and Africa PDF    
Hayk Badalyan, Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources (TBC) PDF    
Tamara Babayan, R2E2 PDF    
Session 3. Energy efficiency in cities: approaches to promote smarter and more sustainable urban development – implementation approaches      
Manfred Spiesberger, Project manager, Centre for Social Innovation, Austria. ener2i – an EU funded project on linking energy research and energy innovation PDF    
Georgi Abulashvili, Energy Efficiency Center, Georgia. Financing Options for Municipal EE Projects and Covenant of Mayors as a driver for Municipal EE in Georgia PDF    
Tatiana Vedeneva, President, Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Development (CREEED), Kyrgyzstan PDF    
Domenica Carriero, Housing and Land Management Unit, Forests, Land and Housing Division, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) PDF    
Session 4. Energy efficiency in cities: approaches to promote smarter and more sustainable urban development – cities good practices      
Armen Harutyunyan, Yerevan Municipality     PDF
Diana Harutyunyan, UNDP Armenia Promoting Low Carbon Development in Municipalities of Armenia PDF    
Bethany Speer, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) PDF    
Artan Leskoviku, Head of Energy Efficiency, National Agency of Natural Resources, Albania PDF    
Presentation of publications
UNDP Armenia; “Green Architecture” textbook, “Reference book on acting organizations and rendered services in the lighting sector of Armenia”
Day 3 (1 October)      
Presentation of the Asia Pacific Energy Portal (      
Charting Asia-Pacific's Progress and Supporting Decision-Making in the Field of Sustainable Energy PDF    
Portal-Questions for discussion PDF    
Workshop on Status and Best Practices on Energy Efficiency      
Tim Farrell and Ms. Ksenia Petrichenko, Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency PDF    
Robert Tromop, Expert PDF    
Ivetta Gerasimchuk, International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) PDF    
Workshop on Industrial Energy Efficiency Accelerator      
Session 1: Industrial Energy Efficiency Accelerator      
Thibaud Voïta, Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) PDF    
Stefan M. Buettner, Institute for Energy Efficiency in Production / EEP PDF    
Session2: Industrial Energy Efficiency Systems and Standards      
Rana Ghoneim, UNIDO PDF    
Joe Almaguer, DOW Chemical PDF    
Al-Karim Govindji, Carbon Trust PDF    
Session3: Indsutrial Energy Efficiency Policy and Tools      
Meaghan Phelan, Institute for Industrial Productivity (IIP) PDF    
Girish Sethi, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) PDF    
Stefan Buettner, Institute for Energy Efficiency in Production / EEP PDF    
Session4: Expanding international cooperation on industrial energy efficiency: role of partnerships and access to financing      
Thibaud Voïta, SE4All PDF    
Etienne Kechichian, IFC PDF    
Fabienne Babinsky, Accenture PDF    
Workshop on Access to Energy in Remote Areas      
Session 1: Application of clean, renewable and/or alternative energy technologies for rural areas in Central Asian countries      
Kazakhstan: German Trofimov     PDF
Kyrgyzstan: Shamil Dikambaev     PDF
Tajikistan: Kosimbek Olimbekov     PDF
Uzbekistan: Romen Zakhidov     PDF
Production and effective consumption of biogas for agricultural farm near Kant town (Kyrgyzstan)
Alaibek Obozov
Session 2: Access to Energy in Remote Areas in other regions      
Modern energy access in off-grid rural regions: financing appropriate RET through enhanced productivity in the rural business sectors
Imad Sleiman, ESCWA
PV Market in China and Rural Electrification
Sicheng Wang, Deputy Director of Solar PV Committee, Chinese Renewable Energy Society

Energy access in remote areas in ESCAP region
Hongpeng Liu, ESCAP
Accelerating Clean Energy Business Model for Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Development in ASEAN countries
Dato Seri Suhaimi bin Abdul Rahman, Masers Energy, Malaysia
Energy Access and Gender Mainstreaming – Policy Opportunities
Bethany Speers, Energy Analyst, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) (TBC)
Workshop on Energy Efficiency in Multi-unit Residential Buildings:  Challenges and Solutions in Residential Energy Efficiency in Eastern Europe      
Session 1: Experience from Armenia based on research and projects/Working with the home owners      
Renovation of Common Areas of Residential Buildings Project
Karine Mailyan, HFH Armenia
Astghine Pasoyan, Alliance to Save Energy Armenia Yerevan Municipality (TBC)      
Mikhayil Amirkhanyan, Chief Specialist, SME and Corporate Business Product Management and Sales Division, RA Ministry of Economy
Representative of Ministry of Urban Development
Session 2: The eco-system of stakeholders in residential energy efficiency      
Subsidy schemes for energy efficient interventions in the multi-family housing stock in Central and Eastern Europe
Eva Gerohazi and Hanna Szemzo, MRI-Metro-politan Research Institute Hungary
Luiza Vardanyan, HFH Armenia      
Karen Asatryan, HFH Armenia      
Astghine Pasoyan, Alliance to Save Energy Armenia      
Gyorgy Sumeghy, HFH EMEA      
The eco-system Armenia PDF    

Forum outcomes

Document Title & Symbol ENG FRE RUS
Statement of Common Action PDF   PDF
Forum Summary PDF    

Media coverage

Photo Galleries:

TV and Radio:

Oleg Dzioubinski, Energy Efficiency Programme Manager, speaks of the outcomes of the 6th International Forum on Energy for Sustainable Development
Олег Дзюбинский, ЕЭК ООН рассказывает о результатах 6-го Международного Форума по энергетике для устойчивого развития

Interview with Dukascopy TV, 15 October 2015 (starting at 32:57)

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