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Policymaker Meets Engineer Workshop 18 - 19 January 2017

Policymaker Meets Engineer Workshop 18 - 19 January 2017

18 - 19 January 2017
Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland

Policymaker Meets Engineer


Document Title & Symbol

Agenda PDF

Concept note

Document Title & Symbol ENG FRE RUS
Concept note PDF


Presentation Title & Author ENG FRE RUS
Session 1 – Setting the scene: Perspectives from Industry      
Peter Jaggy, Head of Engineering, Nestle PDF    
Zlatko Gjurchinoski, Energy Manager, Vardar Dolomit PDF    
Bernard Mathieu, Head Sustainable Development, LafargeHolcim PDF    
Johann Prammer, Head of Strategic Environmental Management, Voestalpine PDF    
Session 2 – Perspectives from policy makers, financial institutions and support organizations      
Customized financing solutions for investments in energy efficiency projects of industrial processes and buildings
Alexandre Rothlin, Director, Energy Efficiency Fund, Susi Partners
Dow Jones Sustainability Index rating and energy efficiency   
Rashila Kerai, Analyst, SI Research, RobecoSAM
Can technology targeting in CO2 emissions of primary industry provide better results than ETS?
Günter Bramböck, Vice president for regulatory affairs in EVN AG, Austria
Obstacles in creation of usable energy policy: implementation vs intention
Aleksandar Dukovski, Director, Energy Agency of the Republic of Macedonia
Policy and business decision-making for energy efficiency – Are we improving or not?
William McLaughlin, International Lead EnMS Expert, UNIDO
Multiple benefits associated with energy efficiency (TBC)   
Marina Santoro, Senior Research Associate, Hochschule Luzern

Workshop Summary

Document title & Symbol ENG FRE RUS
Workshop Summary PDF    
Annex to the Workshop Summary (break-out sessions results) PDF    
UNECE News: article on the workshop