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First meeting of the Task Force on Access to Information under the Aarhus Convention

First meeting of the Task Force on Access to Information under the Aarhus Convention

07 - 08 February 2013
Geneva Switzerland

The first meeting of the Task Force on Access to Information took place in Geneva (Palais des Nations, Salle VIII) on 7 and 8 February 2013.

At this meeting, the Task Force agreed on possible priorities for future work to facilitate public access to environmental information. Furthermore, delegates shared experiences in the effective use of electronic information tools in the Convention`s implementation and exchanged information on the relevant capacity building initiatives at the regional, subregional and national levels. The recent activities of other international forums relevant to the matter of public access to environmental information were also presented and discussed.
The meeting of the Task Force featured an international workshop “Environmental information on products: making public access work” that addressed needs, challenges and good practices regarding accessibility of environmental information on products. The workshop provided a platform for discussion on the way forward in this area and the participants agreed on specific issues to be addressed in the future work of the Task Force.


Documents ENG FRE RUS
Provisional agenda for the meeting (AC/TF.AI/Inf.1) PDF    
Report on the first meeting PDF PDF PDF
Key outcomes of the meeting PDF    
List of participants PDF    
Item 2. Public access to environmental information: key messages from the region      
Public Access to Environmental Information: Overview of the Convention Implementation (AC/TF.AI/Inf.2) PDF    
Public Access to Environmental Information: Possible priorities for the work (AC/TF.AI/Inf.3) PDF    
Statement by the United Kingdom PDF    
Item 3. Effective use of electronic information tools in the Convention's implementation: addressing challenges and sharing good practices      
Decision II/3 on Electronic Information Tools and the Clearing House Mechanism (ECE/MP.PP/2005/2/Add.4) PDF PDF PDF
Aarhus Clearinghouse Quick Guidance PDF    
Draft Guidance for National Nodes of the Clearinghouse Mechanism (ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2006/5/Add.1) PDF PDF PDF
Addendum to the Report of Task Force on Electronic Information Tools (Questionnaire on implementation of Decision II/3) (ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2007/L.3/Add.1) PDF PDF PDF
Addendum to the Report of Task Force on Electronic Information Tools (Summary of Responses to Questionnaire) (ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2007/L.3/Add.2) PDF PDF PDF
Item 6. International Workshop "Environmental information on products: making public access work"      
Programme of the workshop PDF    



Presentations ENG FRE RUS
Item 2. Public access to environmental information: key messages from the region      
Ms. Valentina Tapis, Chair of the Task Force on Access to Information PDF    
Ms. Mara Silina, European Environmental Bureau / European ECO-Forum PDF    
Ms. Heghine Hakhverdyan, Yerevan State University PDF    
Item 3. Effective use of electronic information tools in the Convention's implementation: addressing challenges and sharing good practices      
Ms. Maryna Yanush, Aarhus Convention Secretariat PDF    
Ms. Nino Gvazava, Aarhus Centre, Georgia PDF    
Ms. Eva Duer, DELC, UNEP PDF    
Mr. Michael S. Jones, Secretariat of Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholv Conventions PDF    
Item 4. Building capacities in providing access to environmental information: regional, subregional and national activities and their coordination      
Ms. Elena Santer, Zoi Environment Network PPT    
Item 5. Activities under other international forums dealing with access to environmental information      
Mr. Gerard Cunningham, DEWA, UNEP PDF    
Mr. David Stanners, European Environmental Agency PDF    
Mr. Andrey Egorov, ECEH, Regional Office for Europe, World Health Organization PDF    
Ms. Sophie Schlingemann, IPCC secretariat PDF    
Item 6. International Workshop "Environmental information on products: making public access work"      
See presentations in a separate tab    

Workshop presentations (item 6)

Presentations ENG FRE RUS
Session 1: Setting the scene: benefits of, needs for and challenges of improving access to product information      
Ms. Nino Gokhelashvili, Ministry of Environment Protection, Georgia PDF    
Mr. Vito Buonsante, ClientEarth PDF    
Ms. Liesbeth Timmermans, European Chemical Industry Council PDF    
Session 2: Sufficiency of environmental information on products: identifying and addressing information needs      
Mr. Kevin Munn, Chemicals Branch, DTIE, United Nations Environment Programme PDF    
Chemicals in products project PDF    
Mr. Oleg Pecheniuk, NGO “Independent Ecological Expertise”, Kyrgyzstan, and Ms. Lidia Astanina, “Greenwomen” Analytical Environmental Agency, Kazakhstan     PDF
Ms. Elisabeth Ruffinengo, NGO “Women in Europe for a Common Future” PDF    
Session 3: Smart means of informing the public      
Mr. Pavel Misiga, European Commission, European Union PDF    
Ms. Olga Panteleeva, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, Belarus     PDF
Ms. Kristina Saarinen, Environment Institute SYKE, Finland PDF    
Session 4: Accessibility of information on potential environmental risks in new products      
Mr. Hirofumi Aizawa, Environment, Health and Safety Division, Environment Directorate, OECD PDF    
Ms. Kristina Saarinen, Environment Institute SYKE, Finland PDF    
Mr. David Azoulay, Center for International Environmental Law PDF    
Ms. Tatiana Santos, European Environmental Bureau PDF