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Second meeting of the Task Force on Public Participation in Decision-making

Second meeting of the Task Force on Public Participation in Decision-making

06 - 08 June 2012
Geneva Switzerland

This event was organised under the auspices of the Task Force on Public Participation in Decision-making of the Aarhus Convention and the Meeting of the Parties to the Protocol on Water and Health in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment and Forests of Romania and Women in Europe for a Common Future.

The event covered a broad range of issues regarding public participation in environmental decision-making with a special focus on decision-making on water and health-related matters. The event examined decisions in a range of other environmental sectors, enabling a cross-fertilization of ideas and experiences.  The programme addressed key issues of concern for Parties and stakeholders, examining obstacles and challenges to effective public participation, and explored good practices and innovative tools to address them.

The meeting involved experts from countries from the UNECE region and from international organizations, who offered advanced expertise in public participation in environmental decision-making and/or in the implementation of the Protocol on Water and Health.

The event had a key role in the development of two important products being prepared under each instrument. Participants discussed and provided input on (i) new recommendations currently being prepared under the Aarhus Convention on public participation regarding environmental matters and (ii) the new guidelines/manual for involving the public in consultations and decision-making processes being prepared under the Protocol on Water and Health.


Document Title ENG FRE RUS
Information Note PDF    
Registration Form WORD    
Provisional agenda PDF   PDF
Report (ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2012/4) PDF PDF PDF
Aarhus Convention's draft recommendations on public participation in decision-making WORD    
Draft outline on guidelines on public participation under the Protocol on Water and Health WORD    
List of Participants PDF    


Presentations ENG FRE RUS
Opening Session:Setting the scene      
Introducing the Aarhus Convention
Philip Kearney, Chair of the Aarhus Convention's Task Force
on Public Participation in Decision making
Introducing the Protocol on Water and Health
Ana Drapa, Member of the Bureau of the Protocol on Water and Health,
Ministry of Environment and Forests, Romania
Public participation under the Protocol on Water and Health
Chantal Demilecamps, secretariat to the Protocol on Water and Health
Public Participation under the Aarhus Convention :A useful model for water and health?
Fiona Marshall, Aarhus Convention secretariat
Session 1: Key obstacles to, and possible solutions, to ensuring
effective public participation at all levels of decision-making
(national, provincial, local) regarding water and health issues.
Eurobarometer - Survey on attitudes of Europeans towards
water-related issues: a background review
Nicolas Becuwe, TNS Opinion, Belgium
Key challenges to effective public participation: European ECO-Forum’s experiences
Serhiy Vykhryst, ECO Forum, Ukraine
Ticking boxes versus genuine public participation in water management in Ireland
Sinead O’Brien and Harriet Emerson, Sustainable Water Network Ireland
Key obstacles to public participation in the two projects of water
supply of Northern regions and Baku city.
Lidiya Guluzada, TETA “Khazri”, Azerbaijan
Session 2: Specific issues related to public participation in the implementation of
the Protocol on Water and Health, in particular in relation to the establishment of
national coordination groups/committees, the setting of targets and target dates,
the development of integrated strategies, the assessment of progress and the preparation of reports
Raising awareness of the Protocol on Water and Health
Biljana Filipovic, Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning, Serbia
Involving the public in the preparation of national reports: the Aarhus experience
Aida Iskoyan, Ministry of Nature Protection, Armenia
Public participation – Lessons learnt from human rights protection mechanisms
Jean Benoit Charrin, WaterLex, Switzerland
Session 3: Developing the capacity of civil society/NGOs, public authorities
and service providers to enhance public participation.
Theme 1: Structural tools to facilitate effective public participation      
Guidelines on access to information and public participation for private
companies undertaking public services
Liz Smith, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Public participation in multi-optional decision-making
Peter Emerson, The de Borda Institute, Northern Ireland
Public participation in the Regional Health and Environment Plan for the
Provence Alpes-Cote d’Azur  (PACA) region
Muriel Andrieu Semmel, PACA Regional Agency for Health, France (tbc)
The South Caucasus Public Center of Excellency on Water and Health:
A model for promoting public participation in water and health
Grigol Abramia, International Center for Environmental Research
Theme 2: Practical techniques to facilitate effective public participation      
Good practices for public participation in Romania
Naiana Milea, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Romania
(co-author Ms. Elvira Marchidan, National Administration “Apele Romane”, Romania)
Good practices in public participation in decision-making on
water issues in the Republic of Belarus
Volha Zakharava, Aarhus Center, Belarus
Outreach to marginalized people: practical tools
Anke Stock, Women in Europe for a Common Future
Public participation on water and health in Armenia: now and for the future
Emma Anakhasyan, Armenian Women for Health and Healthy Environment, Armenia
Experiences in enhancing public participation in water and health related decision-making in Uzbekistan
Artur Vakhitov, Eco Forum, Uzbekistan           
Parallel session 1: Assessing the Aarhus Convention’s provisions on public participation in decisions having a significant impact on the environment, including, inter alia, product-related decision-making and in particular how these provisions might be further elaborated                 
Theme 1: Public participation in product- related decision making                
Public participation in decision-making on nanotechnology
Ingrid Elbertse, Women in Europe for a Common Future
Public participation in sustainable production and consumption
Stéphane Arditi, European Environmental Bureau    
Public participation in product standardisation
Dania Cristofaro, European Environmental Citizens Organisation for Standardisation
Theme 2: Future development of article 6 of the Aarhus Convention      
Recent developments in EU legislation relevant to the future development of article 6
Adam-Daniel Nagy, European Commission       
Gaps and weaknesses in article 6
An Le Nouail Marlière, European Economic and Social Committee
Challenges of article 6 to effective public participation
Catalina Radalescu, Center for Legal Resources, Romania
Possible future directions for article 6
Naomi Luhde-Thompson, Friends of the Earth, United Kingdom