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Steering Committee on Trade Capacity and Standards - Fourth Session

Steering Committee on Trade Capacity and Standards - Fourth Session

03 - 04 May 2018
Room XXIV, Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland

The fourth session of the Steering Committee on Trade Capacity and Standards will feature a High-Level segment on removing regulatory and procedural barriers to trade in the ECE region, with a special focus on the Georgia drawing on the results of ECE assessment study. In addition, delegates from countries where similar ECE studies have been completed will inform the Steering Committee about ongoing and planned follow-up activities, particularly those related to implementing the recommendations emerging from the studies. Member States will also be briefed about work underway to support the achievement of sustainable development goals in the region.

Session documents

Symbol Document Title ENG FRE RUS
Item 1: Adoption of the Agenda
ECE/CTCS/2018/1 Annotated provisional agenda PDF PDF PDF
A. General Segment
Item 2: Matters arising
Item 3: Improving the Steering Committee on Trade Capacity and Standards delivery on the 2030 Agenda
ECE/CTCS/2018/3 Improving the Economic Commission for Europe Steering Committee on Trade Capacity and Standards delivery on the 2030 Agenda: Concept Note PDF PDF PDF
ECE/CTCS/2018/4 Terms of reference of the SCTCS PDF PDF PDF
(B) High-level segment: Removing regulatory and procedural barriers to trade in the Economic Commission for Europe region
Item 4: Supporting the removal of regulatory and procedural barriers to trade
(a) Georgia: Findings and recommendations
ECE/CTCS/2018/5 Study on regulatory and procedural barriers to trade in Georgia: Recommendations PDF    
(b) Ongoing work
Item 5: Country follow-up to Economic Commission for Europe studies on regulatory and procedural barriers to trade
ECE/CTCS/2018/6 Follow-up on Economic Commission for Europe  countries studies: Republic of Moldova PDF   PDF
ECE/CTCS/2018/7 Follow-up on Economic Commission for Europe  countries studies: Kazakhstan PDF PDF PDF
ECE/CTCS/2018/8 Follow-up on Economic Commission for Europe countries studies: Kyrgyzstan PDF PDF PDF
ECE/CTCS/2018/9 Regulatory and procedural barriers to trade: Evidence from Economic Commission for Europe national studies PDF PDF PDF
(c) Continuation of the general segment
Item 6: Programme of work
(a) Updates from subsidiary bodies
ECE/CTCS/WP.6/2017/2 Report of the Working Party on Regulatory Cooperation and Standardization Policies on its twenty-seventh session PDF   PDF   PDF
ECE/CTCS/WP.7/2017/2 Report of the Working Party on Agricultural Quality Standards on its seventy-third session PDF PDF PDF
(b) Capacity-building and technical assistance activities
ECE/CTCS/2018/10 Report on capacity-building and technical assistance activities  PDF PDF PDF
(c)  Cooperaton with other  international organizations and ECE bodies
ECE/TRADE/C/CEFACT/2018/2 Report of the Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business on its twenty-fourth Plenary session   PDF  PDF   PDF
ECE/CECI/2018/2 Report of the Committee on Innovation, Competitiveness and Public-Private Partnerships on its eleventh session   PDF   PDF   PDF
ECE/CTCS/2018/11 Cooperation with other ECE bodies and other organizations PDF PDF PDF
(d) Stakeholder needs and priorities
(e) Trade subprogramme biennial evaluation report for 2016-2017
ECE/CTCS/2018/12 Trade subprogramme biennial evaluation report for 2016-2017 PDF PDF PDF
(f) Trade subprogramme’s strategic framework for 2020-2021
ECE/CTCS/2018/13 Trade Subprogramme’s Strategic Framework for 2020-2021 PDF PDF PDF
ECE/CTCS/2018/14 Trade Subprogramme’s Strategic Framework for 2020-2021: Note by the secretariat PDF PDF PDF
Item 7.  Other business
Item 8: Adoption of report
ECE/CTCS/2018/2 Report of the Session PDF PDF PDF