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Fifty-ninth session of the Commission

Fifty-ninth session of the Commission

24 - 26 February 2004
Palais des Nations, Geneva Switzerland



  Document Title ENG FRE RUS
E/2004/37 - E/ECE/1416 Annual report (7 March 2003 - 26 February 2004) PDF [161 KB] PDF [210 KB] PDF [582 KB]
E/ECE/1409 Provisional agenda for the fifty-ninth session PDF (85 Kb) PDF  (91 Kb) PDF(403 Kb) Registration form(19 Kb)
E/ECE/1409/Corr.1 Provisional agenda for the fifty-ninth session (Corrigendum)   PDF(19 Kb)    
E/ECE/1410 Provisional agenda item 5: The UNECE'S cooperation with OSCE - Cooperation between the UNECE and OSCE in the economic and environmental dimensions of security (Note by the Executive Secretary) PDF(41 Kb) PDF(125 Kb) PDF(110 Kb)
E/ECE/1411 Provisional agenda item 4: The UNECE reform (Note by the Executive Secretary)   PDF(63 Kb) PDF(66 Kb) PDF(167 Kb)
E/ECE/1411/Add.1 Provisional agenda item 4: The UNECE reform - Technical cooperation strategy (Note by the Executive Secretary)   PDF(44 Kb) PDF(52 Kb) PDF(126 Kb)
E/ECE/1412 Provisional agenda item 5: The work of the UNECE: achievements, constraints and perspectives (Report of the Executive Secretary)   PDF(65 Kb) PDF(100 Kb) PDF(215 Kb)
E/ECE/1413 Provisional agenda item 7: Preparation for and follow-up to world and regional conferences (Note by the Executive Secretary)   PDF(46 Kb) PDF(55 Kb) PDF(121 Kb)
E/ECE/1414 Provisional agenda item 8: UNECE technical cooperation activities in 2003: an overview (Note by the Executive Secretary)   PDF(78 Kb) PDF(105 Kb) PDF(247 Kb)
E/ECE/1415 Provisional agenda item 9: The work of the Group of Experts on the Programme of Work (Report by the Chairperson of the Group of Experts)   PDF(18 Kb) PDF(33 Kb) PDF(52 Kb)
E/ECE/1415/Add.1 Provisional agenda item 9: Work of the Group of Experts on the Programme of Work PDF(22 Kb)    
Conference Room Papers  
CRP.1 Provisional agenda item 3: Background paper on competitiveness and growth in the UNECE region PDF(14 Kb)    
CRP.2 Provisional agenda item 5: The UNECE cooperation with OSCE PDF(13 Kb)    
CRP.3 Provisional agenda item 7: Proposal for UNECE's follow-up activities to the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) PDF(20 Kb)