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17th MARS Group Meeting

17th MARS Group Meeting

08 - 09 July 2019
Eurasian Economic Commission Moscow Russian Federation

The 17th MARS Group meeting took place in Moscow, Russian Federation at the Eurasian Economic Commission from July 8 to 9, 2019

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     List or Participants

Welcome address
Mr. Viktor Nazarenko
Member of the Board – Minister in charge of Technical Regulation

Ms. Vera Despotović  (welcome address)
MARS Group Chairperson
Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications of the Republic of Serbia

Coordination of market surveillance activities at global and regional levels and the example of the European Union
Ms. Lorenza Jachia, Secretary to WP.6, UNECE

Creation of an effective system of state control (surveillance) over compliance with requirements of the EAEU technical regulations
Mr. Vyacheslav Burmistrov, Deputy Director, Technical Regulation and Accreditation Department, Eurasian Economic Commission

Addressing product non-compliance in international trade
Mr. Valentin Nikonov, Co-coordinator of WP.6 Group of Experts on Risk Management in Regulatory Systems (GRM)

Market Surveillance glossary update
Mr. Ivan Hendrikx, Convener of General Market Surveillance Procedures and Ms. Vera Despotović

Turkey: new envisaged model for market surveillance in e-commerce
Presentation by Mr. Murat Çalişkan, Ministry of Trade, Turkey

Role of standards in Market Surveillance Agencies
Professor Song Mingshun, China Jiliang University

The implications of IT security regulations on international trade 
Ms. Heidi Lund, Senior Adviser, National Board of Trade of Sweden

Internet application for the planning of controls
Mr. Miroslav Chloupek, Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing (UNMZ), Czech Republic

PTB ongoing support activities on market surveillance in the UNECE region
Ms. Corinna Weigelt, Head of Working Group, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Germany

Market surveillance system in Serbia
Ms. Vera Despotović
Senior Advisor for Coordination and Improvement of Intersectional and Regional Cooperation in the field of Market Surveillance