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Seventh meeting of the Task Force on Access to Justice

Seventh meeting of the Task Force on Access to Justice

24 - 25 February 2014
Geneva Switzerland

Seventh meeting of the Task Force on Access to Justice took place in Geneva, Palais des Nations, Salle IX from 24 to 25 February 2014. The meeting will be held back to back to the seventeenth meeting of the Working Group of the Parties to be held from 26 to 28 February 2014.

The meeting of the Task Force continued considering such substantive issues as effective standing, remedies and costs. Participants discussed the preliminary findings of the analytical studies carried out under auspices of the Task Force in 2012-2013, good practices regarding legal aid schemes for members of the public and ways to support public interest lawyers.

Furthermore, they shared their experience on multi-stakeholders dialogues on access to justice in their respective countries as supported by the Working Group of the Parties at its fifteenth meeting (Geneva, 3-5 September 2012) and exchanged information on capacity-building needs and initiatives as well as on existing tools for providing information on access to justice.


Documents ENG FRE RUS
Provisional agenda (AC/TF.AJ-7/Inf.1)                                    PDF    
Report on the seventh meeting, ECE/MP.PP/2014/5 PDF PDF PDF
Key outcomes of the meeting (AC/TF.AJ-7/Inf.2) PDF    
List of participants PDF    
Item 2. Substantive issues      
(a) Study on standing before courts in environmental cases in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia (preliminary version) WORD   WORD
(b) Study on access to justice in environmental cases in South-Eastern Europe WORD    
Item 4. The way forward      
Draft decision on promoting effective access to justice (ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2014/L.3) PDF PDF PDF

Presentations and statements

Presentations and statements ENG FRE RUS
Item 2. Substantive issues: effective standing, remedies and costs      
The Europeanization of access to justice in environmental matters - the German perspective      
Ms Sabine Schlacke, Institut für Umwelt- und Planungsrecht (IUP), Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Germany PPT    
(a) Preliminary findings of the study on standing for individuals, groups and environmental NGOs before courts in case of environmental matters in the selected countries of Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia      
Mr Dmytro Skrylnikov, Bureau of Environmental Investigation, Ukraine PPT    
(b) Preliminary findings of the study on access to justice in environmental cases in South-Eastern Europe      
Mr Csaba Kiss, Environmental Management and Law Association, Hungary PPT    
(c) Exchange of information and good practices regarding legal aid schemes for members of the public and ways to support public interest lawyers      
Ms Lissie Jørgensen, Denmark PPT    
Ms Beate Ekeberg, Norway PPT    
Mr Brian Ruddie, the United Kingdom PPT    
Mr Eduardo Salazar, European ECO Forum and Justice and Environment Network PPT    
(d) Sharing information and experience concerning any new developments in legislation and practice with regard to standing, remedies and costs      
Ms Noriko Okubo, Osaka University, Japan PPT
Ms Carol Day, CAJE, the United Kingdom PDF    
Ms Joanna Cornelius, Swedish Society for Nature Conservation, Sweden PPT    
Mr Xavier Campos, Catalan Circle for Business PDF    
Item 3. Sharing experiences and building capacities      
(a) A multi-stakeholder dialogue on access to justice at the national level: sharing experiences      
Mr Vladimir Borisov, Supreme Court of Kazakhstan     PPT
(b) Strengthening capacities in the area of access to justice: identifying needs and priorities      
Mr Adam-Daniel Nagy, European Commission PPT    
Mr Eduardo Salazar, Asociacion para la justicia ambiental, Spain PPT    
(c) Tools for providing information on access to justice      
Mr Gustavs Gailis, Latvia PPTX    
Ms Despina Bejinaru, Romania PPT