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First workshop on remote sensing applications for environmental monitoring

First workshop on remote sensing applications for environmental monitoring

18 - 20 May 2003
Ispra Italy

1. Workshop background

Remote Sensing (RS) techniques can provide an important contribution to monitoring and reporting on the state of the environment, providing assessments of large-scale and long-term conditions, over the regional to continental range, and over the entire seasonal cycle. In order to fully exploit the potential of this technique, RS data must undergo several levels of processing - requiring special facilities and expertises - to derive suitable indicators, before reaching the end-user.

A pilot programme for environmental assessments of the Eurasian macro-region, that would identify and map a key set of indicators derived from RS data, has been proposed in the framework of the WGEM. The programme - involving the co-operation of end-users, and including a set of complementary measures, such as an application demonstration exercise, an awareness campaign for potential end-users and a suitable set of training activities - would complement other actions aiming at reporting on the state of the environment, in relation to the Kiev Assessment. The present Workshop is a forerunner of the proposed complementary measures.

  2. Workshop objective

The Workshop is aimed at experts from countries of Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia (Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Russian Federation, Ukraine, Uzbekistan), supported by TACIS project funds, and experts from other interested UNECE countries. The Workshop will review current RS application potential for environmental assessments at national, subregional and regional levels, as well as current country requirements and capabilities in this field, in view of drafting a comprehensive project proposal, possibly to be later submitted in the EU GMES framework.

  3. Workshop programme

On the first day, the Workshop will be opened by a series of 6 keynote presentations on environmental indicators available using RS techniques, based on the experience of the JRC about vegetation & climate, marine & coastal zones, land use & agriculture, as well on the experience of the REC, EEA, and the Russian Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring about the use of RS for environmental monitoring. The experts from the participating countries will then be called to deliver a series of short national contributions on the experience in the use of RS for environmental assessments in their respective countries or their specific interests in using RS results. These presentations will set the stage for the ensuing discussions, which will be conducted during the second day.

On the second day, a review will be given of the proposal on indicators identification and mapping, which was drafted by JRC on behalf of the WGEM. A plenary discussion will follow, to identify a key set of environmental indicators, regions & basins of interest to participating countries and to discuss specific indicators - concerning vegetation & climate, marine & coastal zones, and land use & agriculture - to be worked upon in participating countries over the following 6 months. A summary of the workshop outcome and future plans, including definition of scope, date and venue of the second workshop on RS, will close the workshop.

  4. Workshop speakers

Opening address
Keynote presentations
National contributions
Review of draft proposal
Plenary discussions, led
Concluding remarks
   workshop Chairman and organizers
experts from IES, JRC EC, REC, EEA, RF (tbd)
experts from participating countries (tbd)
workshop Chairman
participating experts (tbd)
workshop Chairman

  5. Workshop outcome

The Workshop participants will sketch a work plan to be executed by experts in their home countries in the following 6 months, in order to better outline the proposed project. In particular, it is foreseen that in each of participating countries an applied research group will be identified, to carry out an assessment of (1) environmental information requirements, in co-operation with the relevant a dministrative bodies, (2) available and missing resources, such as institutional framework, hardware and software infrastructures, personnel, as well as (3) their training needs, and the potential for some (4) preliminary data gathering and processing, for use in the proposing stage.

  6. Workshop follow-up

A second Workshop will be organized in the late fall 2003 to review the work done, to present and review all of the foreseen contributions, and to draft the final proposal.

  7. Workshop logistics


Location: Joint Research Centre of the EC, Ispra (Italy)
Duration: 2 full days
Dates: 19 and 20 May 2003
Participants: approx total 20, i.e.
  • 4 IES, JRC EC
  • 1 UN ECE
  • 1 REC
  • 1 EEA
  • 1 RF
  • 10 EECCA countries
  • 1 Austria
Workshop Chairman: Dr Vittorio BARALE
IES, JRC EC (tp 272), I-21020 Ispra VA, Italy
tel. +39-0332-789274, sec. +39-0332-789177, fax. +39-0332-789034

Guidelines for national presentations from country experts

Each expert from the participating countries will be called to provide a short contribution on the national experience with RS techniques and technologies for environmental monitoring and assessments in her/his country or their specific interests in using RS results.

In particular, the experts will be expected to deliver information about:

  1. Information on pressing environmental issues and current requirements of RS data:
    • brief overview of relevant environmental problems of concern;
    • special locations or areas, large scale or trans-boundary processes;
  2. National experience with the use of RS for environmental monitoring and assessments:
    • research establishments involved in RS applications;
    • agencies, pilot projects and/or other activities making use of RS;
  3. Capabilities for RS applications in the development of (quasi) operational monitoring:
    • analysis of available vs. missing resources;
  4. Needs for personnel, training, facilities, equipment.

A 20-minute slot will be allowed for each presentation. Therefore, the speakers are advised to provide concise and factual contributions, following the present guidelines. This will allow optimal use of the limited time available, as well as a direct comparison of the situation in countries, and a precise evaluation of the work to be proposed in the planned follow-up activities.


18 May 2003

18:00 - 20:00 Welcome & registration, at the Hotel dei Tigli, in Angera

19 May 2003

Shuttle bus departure from Hotel dei Tigli, Angera, to JRC at 8:30

09:00 - 09:20   

Welcome, general remarks, workshop organization and logistics
- Manfred Grasserbauer, IES, JRC EC
- Yaroslav Bulych, UNECE

09:20 - 09:40 "The GLC 2000 project: a successful example of international cooperation for environmental mapping with remote sensing data"
Keynote presentation by Philippe Mayaux, IES, JRC EC
09:40 - 10:00 "Using remote sensing and integrated geographical data in monitoring and managing coastal zones, marginal basins and enclosed seas"
Keynote presentation by Vittorio Barale, IES, JRC EC
10:00 - 10:20 "Land cover maps and land cover statistics: accuracy and fine scale profiles"
Keynote presentation by Javier Gallego, IES, JRC EC
10:20 - 10:40 "Remote Sensing Indicators Applied for Crop Growth Monitoring"
Keynote presentation by Igor Savin, IPSC, JRC EC
10:40 - 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 - 11:20 "Monitoring and assessment of urban developments: from local observation to regional impacts analysis"
Keynote presentation by Carlo Lavalle, IES, JRC EC
11:20 - 11:40 "Remote sensing for environmental impact assessment and monitoring of mining-related contamination: experiences from the PecoMines Project and the Aznalcollar Accident"
Keynote presentation by Thomas Kemper, IES, JRC EC
11:40 - 12:00 "Satellite imagery for environment: status, constraints, challenges, and opportunities for increased use in Central and Eastern Europe"
Keynote presentation by Jerome Simpson, REC CEE
12:00 - 12:20 "Use of remote sensing for environmental reporting in Europe"
Keynote presentation by Chris Steenmans, EEA
12:20 - 12:40 "Small structured land use and mountainous areas in Austria: a challenge for environmental monitoring using remote sensing"
Keynote presentation by Gebhard Banko, Federal Environment Agency
12:40 - 13:00 " Experience of Roshydromet in RS use for environmental monitoring"
Keynote presentation by Oleh Milekhin, Scientific and Research Centre "Planeta"
13:00 - 14:30 Lunch break
14:30 - 14:50 National contribution, Azerbaijan
Presentation by Imran Abdulov, Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources
14:50 - 15:10 National contribution, Belarus
Presentation by Aleksandr Kavaliou, Republican Scientific and Technical Centre “Ecomir”
15:10 - 15:30 National contribution, Georgia
Presentation by Ramaz Chitanava, Ministry of Environment
15:30 - 15:50 National contribution, Kazakhstan
Presentation by Murat Ibragimov, Kazakh Research Institute of Environmental Monitoring and Climate
15:50 - 16:10 National contribution, Kyrgyzstan
Presentation by Meder Seytkasymov, Ministry of Environment and Emergencies
16:10 - 16:30 Coffee break
16:30 - 15:50 National contribution, Moldova
Presentation by Adam Begu, National Institute of Ecology
16:50 - 17:10 National contribution, Russian Federation
Presentation by Valeriy Kukosh, Ministry of Natural Resources
17:10 - 17:30 National contribution, Tajikistan
Presentation by Timur Nazarov, Ministry for Environmental Protection
17:30 - 17:50 National contribution, Turkmenistan
Presentation by Amanklych Babayev, Desert Research Institute, Ministry of Nature Protection
17:50 - 18:10 National contribution, Uzbekistan
Presentation by Kamalitdin Sadykov, State Committee for Nature Protection

Shuttle bus departure from JRC, to Hotel dei Tigli, Angera, at 18:30

Social event: shuttle bus departure from Hotel dei Tigli, Angera at 19:45
Workshop Dinner at the "Antica Trattoria da Cesare", Travedona Monate, at 20:00

20 May 2003

Shuttle bus departure from Hotel dei Tigli, Angera, to JRC, at 8:30

09:00 - 09:30  Review of the WGEM draft proposal, indicators identification and mapping
Presentation by Vittorio Barale, IES, JRC EC
09:30 - 11:00 Key set of environmental indicators, regions & basins
Plenary discussion. Moderator: Gebhard Banko, Federal Environment Agency
11:00 - 11:30 Coffee break
11:30 - 13:00 Work on environmental indicators in participating countries
Plenary discussion. Moderator: Amanklych Babayev, Desert Research Institute, Ministry of Nature Protection
13:00 - 14:30 Lunch breake
14:30 - 16:00 Participants’ requirements, resources, training, mapping
Plenary discussion. Moderator: Aleksandr Kavaliou, Republican Scientific and Technical Centre "Ecomir"
16:00 - 16:30 Coffee break
16:30 - 18:00 Work plan drafting, definition of date and venue of the second workshop
Plenary discussion. Moderator: Yaroslav Bulych, UNECE
18:00 - 18:30 Conclusions, summary of future plans & closure