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European Population Forum

European Population Forum

12 - 14 January 2004
Geneva Switzerland

The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), along with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) as co-organiser, and the Swiss Government as host, convened an expert meeting – the European Population Forum (EPF) 2004 – in Geneva on 12-14 January 2004. The Forum considered, inter alia, important, newly emerging population changes, examine challenges they pose and identify best policy responses to them. In this context, it examined the implementation of the ICPD-related regional and global agreements of the 1990s in the UNECE region, particularly in countries in transition. The Forum also considered how the UNECE region can further the implementation of these agreements in the future.

The Forum brought together noted experts from executive and legislative branches of government, academia, research, intergovernmental organisations and institutions, civil society, including non-governmental organisations and the private sector. All participants took part in their personal capacity.

Document Title ENG FRE RUS
Information Note PDF    
Description of the Forum PDF    
Agenda and Programmes
Provisional agenda PDF    
Provisional programme PDF    
Final documents
Report of the Forum PDF PDF PDF
List of participants PDF    


ICPD +10Anniversary
Global Conferences
Twenty-first special session of the United Nations General Assembly, New York, 1999
Regional Conferences
Regional Population Meeting, Budapest, 1998


Background papers (presented as received from the authors)


Session 1: Global population and development trends: the European view
Session 2: Childbearing and parenting in low fertility countries: enabling choices
Session 3: Morbidity, mortality and reproductive health: facing challenges in transition countries
Session 4: International migration: promoting management and integration


Summary of deliberations

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Presentations made at the Forum

Presentations made at the European Population Forum, 2004

The views expressed in the presentations below are those of the presenters and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the secretariat of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe and of the United Nations Population Fund.

The presentations herein are copy protected and require the consent of the presenters before they can be used.

Monday, 12 January 2004
  Click icon/link to open/download pdf ppt
Opening Session
Chair Ambassador
Walter Fust
Director General, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation    
Opening Statements by the:
Director General of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation PDF  
Executive Director of UNFPA PDF  
Executive Director of UNECE PDF  
European Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Aid PDF  
Head of the Social Policy Department of the Council of Europe PDF  
Keynote session 1: Population and development in Europe during the last decade
Chair Ms. Thoraya A. Obaid Executive Director, UNFPA, USA    
  Mr. David Coleman Professor of Demography, University of Oxford, United Kingdom PDF  
  Ms. Ursula Haubner Secretary of State, Federal Ministry for Social Security, Generations and Consumer Protection, Austria PDF PPT
Thematic session 1: Global population and development trends: the European view
Chair Ambassador Walter Fust Director General, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation    
  Ms. Thoraya A. Obaid Executive Director, United Nations Population Fund New York, USA    
  Mr. Karel van Kesteren Executive Director UN and International Financial Institutions Ministry for Development Cooperation, The Netherlands    
  Dr. Wolfgang Bichmann KfW Development Bank, Germany PDF PPT
  Dr. Aikan Akanov Director General, National Centre of Problems of Healthy Style of Life, Almati, Kazakhstan   PPT
  Ms. Jill Sheffield President, Family Care International, New York, USA PDF PPT
Tuesday, 13 January 2004
Thematic session 2: "Childbearing and parenting in low fertility countries: enabling choices"
Chair Mr. Steven Sinding Director General, International Planned Parenthood Federation, United Kingdom PDF  
  Ms. Anne Gauthier Professor in Comparative Public Policy, University of Calgary, Canada   PPT
  Mr. Christian Jacob Secretary for the Family, Ministry of Health, Family and Older Persons, France PDF  
  Ms. Arni Hole Director General, Ministry of Children and Family Affairs, Norway PDF  
  Ms. Nada Stropnik Senior Researcher, Institute for Economic Research, Slovenia PDF PPT
  Ms. Christine McCafferty Member of Parliament, House of Commons, United Kingdom PDF PPT
Thematic session 3: "Morbidity, mortality and reproductive health: Facing challenges in transition countries"
Chair Ms. Lynette Lowndes Head, European Department, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Switzerland    
  Ms. Valentina Leskaj Member of Parliament, Albania PDF PPT
  Ms. Ellen Nolte Lecturer in Public Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom PDF PPT
  Mr. Vladimir Shkolnikov Head, Data Laboratory, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Germany   PPT
  Dr. Gunta Lazdane Regional Adviser, Reproductive Health and Research, WHO Regional Office for Europe, Denmark   PPT
  Mr. Dominic Haazen Health Program Team Leader, World Bank, Latvia Office   PPT
Wednesday, 14 January 2004
Thematic session 4: "International migration: promoting management and integration"
Chair Mr. Gervais Appave Director, Migration Policy and Research, International Organization for Migration, Switzerland    
  Mr. Peter J. Van Krieken Special Advisor, Ministry of Justice, The Netherlands PDF  
  Mr. Martin Baldwin-Edwards Co-Director, Mediterranean Migration Observatory, Greece PDF  
  Mr. Jonas Widgren Director General, International Centre for Migration Policy Development, Vienna, Austria PDF  
  Ms. Rosaline Frith Director General Integration, Citizenship and Immigration Canada   PPT
  Mr. Dominik Langenbacher Delegate for Migration Dialogue, Federal Office for Refugees, Switzerland PDF  
Keynote session 2: "Policy challenges of Europe's demographic changes: cross-cutting issues"
Chair Ms. Janina Jozwiak President, European Association of Population Studies, Poland    
  Mr. Jérôme Vignon Director, Social Protection and Social Integration, DG Employment and Social Affairs, European Commission, Belgium PDF  
  Mr. Paul Demeny Distinguished Scholar, Population Council, New York, USA PDF  
Closing Session: "International migration: promoting management and integration"
Chair Ms. Thoraya A. Obaid Executive Director, UNFPA, USA    
Statements by the:
  Director General of the Swiss Federal Statistical Office PDF  
  Executive Director of UNFPA PDF  
  Director General of IPPF PDF  
  European Commission, Director of Social Protection and Social Integration    
  The President of European Association of Population Studies (EAPS) PDF  
  President of the Inter-European Parliamentary Forum on Population and Development (IEPFPD) PDF  
Thematic session 1
  Ms. Irirna Badurashvili (Georgian Centre for Population Research), Georgia PDF  
  Mr. Victor Bernhardtz (Swedish Association for Sexuality Education), Sweden PDF  
  Mr. Robert Gehring (US Department of Sate), United States PDF  
  Dr. Radosveta Stamenkova (Bulgarian Family Planning and Sexual HealthAssociation), Bulgaria PDF  
  NGO Contribution PDF  
  Mrs. Amy Coen (Popualtion Action International) PDF  
  Ms. Valentina Steshenko, Ukraine PDF  
Thematic session 2
  Mr. James Calleja (International Insitute on Ageing), Malta PDF  
  Ms. Marlyse Dormond (PLANES), Switzerland PDF  
  Mr. Dirk Jarré (ICSW), Germany PDF  
  Mrs. Ana Manso (Portuguese Parliament), Portugal PDF  
  Mr. Paul-Eerik Rummo (Ministry Population), Estonia PDF  
  Mr. Paolo Sestito (Ministry of Labour and Social Policies), Italy PDF  
  Prof. Joseph Troisi (University of Malta), Malta PDF  
  Ms. Anne Van Lancker (European Parliament) PDF  
  Ms. Anne Weyman (FPA), United Kingdom PDF  
  Ms. Wanda Nowicka, Poland PDF  
  Ms. Anneke Wensing (Choice YouAct), Netherlands PDF  
Thematic session 3
  Ms. Irirna Badurashvili (Georgian Centre for Population Research), Georgia PDF  
  Mr. Victor Bernhardtz, Sweden; Ms. Gemma Hobcraft, United Kingdom;
Ms. Elina Juntunen, Finland; Ms. Shannon Kowalski, Canada; Mr. Cristian Nita, Romania;
Ms. Anneke Wensing, Netherlands, Ms. Elisabete Gomes Ramos, Portugal
  Call for action PDF  
  Mrs. Dilys Cossey (Interact Worldwide), United Kingdom PDF  
  Ms. Gemma Hobcraft (Youth Coalition), United Kingdom PDF  
  Ms. Ivete Kelle (Family Planning Association), Latvia PDF  
  Dr. Nada Ler Sofronic (Women and Society Research, Policy and Advocacy Center), Bosnia and Herzegovina PDF  
  Mr. Patrick Marcham (US Department of Health and Human Services), United States PDF  
  Mr. Zinaida Sevkovskaya (Reaserch Institute for Mother&Child Care), Republic of Belarus PDF  
  Mr. Werner Fornos, Herald Tribune or Population Institute, USA PDF  
Thematic session 4
  Mr. Raimondo Cagiano de Azevedo (University La Sapienza), Italy PDF  
  Mrs. Maria José Carrilho (National Statistical Office), Portugal PDF  
  Ms. Rebecca Casanova (Family Care International), United States PDF  
  Mr. Gaye Erbatur (Turkish Parliament), Turkey PDF  
  Mr. Lars Østby (Statistics Norway), Norway PDF  
  Ms. Catherine McDonald (Action Canada for Population and Development), Canada PDF  
  Mr. Cristian Nita (You Act), Romania PDF  
  Mrs. Dagmar Ratajova (Ministry of Labour Social Affairs), Czech Republic PDF  
  Mrs. Astride Stuckelberger (Swiss Society of Gerontology), Switzerland PDF  
  Mr. Paolo Sestito (Ministry of Labour and Social Policies), Italy PDF  
  Ms. Vlada Stankuniene, Lithuania PDF  
  Dr. Imre Szekeres (Prime Minister’s Office), Hungary PDF