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Fact-finding mission for the “Smart Sustainable City Profiling and Innovative Investment Recommendation – Grodno” Project

Fact-finding mission for the “Smart Sustainable City Profiling and Innovative Investment Recommendation – Grodno” Project

10 - 11 December 2019
Minsk and Grodno Belarus

This fact-finding mission to Belarus is part of the project "Smart Sustainable City Profiling and Innovative Investment Recommendation - Grodno". The project aims to prepare a Smart Sustainable City Profile for Grodno based on evaluation using the KPIs for smart sustainable cities elaborated by the United for Smart Sustainable Cities (U4SSC). It also aims to identify two projects for investments which will contribute to the advancement of Grodno as a smart and sustainable city.


10 December  (Minsk, Belarus):

  • Roundtable "Innovative Financing and Evidence-based Policy-Making for Sustainable Urban Development in Belarus"
  • Working meeting with the National Statistics office on data gathering for the development of a Smart Sustainable City Profile for Grodno. Planning of the draft timeline for data gathering and analysis
  • Working session on innovative financing tools for cities: existing tools and barriers for using these tools in Belarus. Data gathering for the investment profile of the project. Planning of the draft timeline for the development of an investment profile

Programme     ENG     RUS

11 December (Grodno, Belarus):

 Working session "Innovative Financing and Evidence-based Policy-Making for Sustainable Urban Development in Grodno"

Programme     ENG     RUS


Opening     ENG     RUS
Anders Joensson, Innovative Policies Development Section, UNECE

Planning of coooperative activities for 2020     ENG     RUS
Nadiia Yeremenko, Housing and Land Management Unit, UNECE

Financing innovation for smart sustainable cities     ENG     RUS
Anders Joensson, Innovative Policies Development Section, UNECE

Innovative Financing & Evidence-based Policy-making for Sustainable Urban Development in Belarus     ENG     RUS
Pedro Neves, Global solutions

UNECE/UN-Habitat Guidelines on evidence-based policies and decision-making on sustainable housing and urban development     ENG     RUS
Agata Krause, Housing and Land Management Unit, UNECE