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TEM and TER revised Master Plan - Final Report

TEM and TER revised Master Plan - Final Report

The TEM and TER revised Master Plan Final report consists of two Volumes - Volume l, containing the main text and Volume II – Annexes.
Volume I: Main text
Volume II: Annexes

Volume I, is being supported by 24 maps, illustrating the specific aspects of the revised Master Plan.  The major actions needed in order to implement successfully the revised TEM and TER Master Plan are summarized in the conclusions.

Volume II of the revised Master Plan Final report contains all the annexes to the main report published in Volume I. It includes summaries of National Road and Rail Forecasts, Results of the TEM and TER Master Plan Backbone Network Border Crossings Inquiries and Funding Considerations for  Road and Railway Infrastructure Projects.

The necessary follow-up work will first and foremost need a permanent monitoring system based on continuous data supply and require political will and commitment of the participating countries as well as close co-operation between them, the UNECE and the Project Central Offices of both TEM and TER Projects.