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Ninth Session of the SPECA Working Group on Knowledge-based Development and Regional Workshop “Making innovation work for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”

Ninth Session of the SPECA Working Group on Knowledge-based Development and Regional Workshop “Making innovation work for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”

22 - 23 June 2017
Bishkek Kyrgyzstan

Making innovation work for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Document ENG RUS
Provisional programme PDF PDF
Information notice PDF PDF
SESSION I: Innovation for Sustainable Development Review of Kyrgyzstan
Chapter 2 “Governance of the national innovation system: Framework conditions, innovation policies and instruments”      
Mr. Rumen Dobrinsky PDF  
Chapter 3 “Knowledge generation and innovation support institutions; industry-science linkages; innovative entrepreneurship and financing”    
Mr. Thomas Stahlecker PDF  

Chapter 4 “Measuring innovation performance"
Mr. Slavo Radosevic PDF  

Chapter 5 “Innovation in the enterprise sector”
Ms. Helena FORSMAN PDF  
Ms. Anna POBOL PDF  
Chapter 6 “The role of eco-innovations and social innovations as a pillar of sustainable development    
Mr. Yoram KROZER PDF  
Mr. Rafis ABAZOV PDF  
SESSION II: Regional insights on making innovation work for the SDGs
Voluntary National Review process:    
National Development Strategy of Tajikistan and Voluntary National Review of SDGs 2017 PDF  
17 SDGs: Adaptation of global objectives to national level in the Kyrgyz Republic PDF  
UNDP support to the national SDG monitoring system in the Kyrgyz Republic PDF  
Country presentations:    
Disaster Management in Afghanistan and Contribution to International Agendas PDF  
Knowledge-based Development in Azerbaijan PDF  
SESSION III: Innovation, Disasters and SDGs in Asia and the Pacific
The 4th Industrial Revolution, City and Sustainability (ESCAP) PDF  
Innovative technology applications for urban disaster risk management (ESCAP expert Mr. Soon Myung HONG) PDF  
SESSION IV: Social enterprise and impact investment  for sustainable development
Global Social enterprise programme (British Council in Kazakhstan) PDF  
Creating an enabling environment for impact investment. Policy imperatives for governments (ESCAP) PDF  

Ninth Session of the SPECA Working Group on Knowledge-based Development

Document ENG RUS
Report of the session PDF PDF
Provisional agenda PDF PDF
Information notice PDF PDF
Progress report PDF PDF
Draft Programme of Work for 2018-2019 PDF PDF
Geospatial Guideline for Disaster-related SDGs in SPECA (SPECA) PDF  
Overview: ICT Connectivity and Asia Pacific Information superhighway (Ap-Is) (SPECA) PDF  
Project on supporting policy makers to foster social enterprise and impact investment for SDG progress in Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) PDF  
Review of implementation of the WG on KBD activities since its last session (UNECE) PDF