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Benefits of introducing modern Strategic Environmental Assessment System in Ukraine

Benefits of introducing modern Strategic Environmental Assessment System in Ukraine

Round Table for Heads of Departments within Executive Authorities

28 February 2017
Kyiv Ukraine

The aim of the half-day round table is to promote the benefits of efficient application of strategic environmental assessment (SEA) in order to support the establishment of the SEA system in Ukraine in line with the requirements of the UNECE Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (Espoo Convention) and its Protocol on SEA that entered in force in Ukraine in March 2016, as well as with the provisions of the EU Directive on SEA (2001/42/EC) as stipulated by the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union, 2014-2017.

Main principles of good SEA practice will be introduced to the participants of the event to highlight the role of the SEA procedure as a tool for improving sectoral planning and promoting sustainable development principles. The examples of successful SEA cases in various economic sectors in different countries will be presented to support theoretical backgrounds. The presentation of SEA benefits should initiate the discussion on the roles of different sectoral ministries and authorities in SEA. The participants will be invited to consider the requirements of the Draft Law of Ukraine "Оn Strategic Environmental Assessment" and suggest the first priority measures to create a national SEA system in the country. The experts from UNECE and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) will share their experiences in practical application of SEA and in the development of national environmental assessment legislation.

The event will host the representatives of the Parliament of Ukraine, higher level officials from central executive authorities that are responsible for economic and industrial development, energy, transport, agriculture, tourism, mining, forestry, as well as the representatives of environmental and health authorities.

The round-table is organized by the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine, together with the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) within the framework of the European Union (EU) funded Programme "Greening Economies in the Eastern Neighbourhood" (EaP GREEN). The logistical support is provided by Law-Making and Information Technologies Institute NGO (Ukraine).

Document title      
Agenda ENG UKR  
Report and List of participants ENG    

Introduction to SEA and UNECE Protocol on SEA

Mr. Martin Smutny, Consultant, Secretariat to the Espoo Convention, and Dr. Maia Gachechiladze-Bozhesku, International SEA Consultant to UNECE


Practical application of SEA in various countries: achievements, costs and perceptions: Application of SEA by EBRD as a tool for facilitating investments into the renewable energy sector

Ms. Olena Borysova, EBRD


Examples of SEA application

Mr. Martin Smutny, Consultant, Secretariat to the Espoo Convention, and Dr. Maia Gachechiladze-Bozhesku, International SEA Consultant to UNECE


SEA system in Ukraine: current experience, challenges and a need for legal and institutional reforms

Ms. Maryna Shimkus, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Ukraine


Methodological recommendations on SEA for Ukraine

Vyacheslav Potapenko, lead author of the Methodological recommendations on SEA for Ukraine and the National expert on SEO UNECE


Way forward for establishing a national SEA system in Ukraine as per the requirements of the Protocol on SEA and the EU Directives