The meeting aims to be a paperless event. Participants are encouraged to download the documents in electronic format. All documents for the meeting are being made available on this webpage.
Twenty-fourth session of the UNECE Committee on Environmental Policy
Twenty-fourth session of the UNECE Committee on Environmental Policy
29 - 31 January 2019
Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland
Official documents
Document title | Eng | Fre | Rus |
Annotated provisional agenda for the meeting ECE/CEP/2019/1 |
Report of the Committee on Environmental Policy on its twenty-fourth session ECE/CEP/2019/2 |
Outcomes of the work of the Bureau for the period January-October 2018 |
Implementing the Pan-European Strategic Framework for Greening the Economy and the Batumi Initiative on Green Economy ECE/CEP/2019/4 |
Activities to support countries in their efforts to green their economies and achieve sustainable development ECE/CEP/2019/5 |
Implementation of the Batumi Action for Cleaner Air: fostering progress towards improved air quality ECE/CEP/2019/6 |
Mid-term review report on the establishment of the Shared Environmental Information System ECE/CEP/2019/7 |
Environmental performance reviews: progress made in conducting the third cycle ECE/CEP/2019/8 |
Implementing multilateral environmental agreements in support of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development ECE/CEP/2019/9 |
Mid-term progress report on GREEN Action Task Force ECE/CEP/2019/10 |
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Cross-sectoral activities of the Environment subprogramme ECE/CEP/2019/11 |
Extension of the mandate of the Expert Group on Environmental Performance Reviews ECE/CEP/2019/12 |
Post session papers | |||
List of participants as of 1 February 2019 |
Information documents
Document title | Eng | Fre | Rus |
Summary of the outcomes and the decisions (as approved by the Committee on 31 January 2019) | |||
Provisional time schedule of the 24th session of CEP Information paper No.1 |
Mid-term review of the Rovaniemi Action Plan for the Forest Sector in a Green Economy Information paper No. 2 |
Third Environmental Performance Review of Kazakhstan: recommendations Information paper No. 3 |
Third Environmental Performance Review of Kazakhstan | |||
Third Environmental Performance Review of the former Yugoslavia Republic of Macedonia: recommendations Information paper No. 4 |
Third Environmental Performance Review of the former Yugoslavia Republic of Macedonia Draft review |
Extrabudgetary funded projects under the Environment Subprogramme: Interim Certified Financial Statements for the biennium 2016-2017 Information paper No. 5 |
Reform of the UN planning and budgeting process Information paper No. 6 |
CEP Bureau membership Information paper No.7.rev.3 |
Calendar of meetings Information paper No. 8 |
Implementing the Pan-European Strategic Framework for Greening the Economy and the Batumi Initiative on Green Economy: Compilation of responses to the Survey on the implementation of BIG-E commitments Information paper No. 9 |
Financial support criteria Information paper No.10 |
Green building Information paper No. 11 |
Revised outline of activities leading up to 2021 (Note by the Working Group on Environmental Monitoring and Assessment) Information paper No.12 |
Annual timetable of activities for 2019 (Note by the Working Group on Environmental Monitoring and Assessment) Information paper No. 13 |
Sustainable fashion Information paper No. 14 |
Draft concept for next pan-European environmental assessment Information paper No. 15 |
Other materials
Document title | Eng | Fre | Rus |
Report of the Working Group on Environmental Monitoring and Assessment on its twentieth session, September 2018, ECE/CEP/AC.10/2018/2 |
Report of the Joint Task Force on Environmental Statistics and Indicators on its fifteenth session, October 2018, ECE/CEP-CES/GE.1/2018/2 |
Report on the voluntary commitments made by Uzbekistan to the Batumi Actions for Cleaner Air (BACA) and on Green Economy (BIG-E) |
Assessment framework for the mid-term review of the Shared Environmental Information System (ECE/CEP.AC/2018/5) |
Side events
Side Event title |
The PEP - Working together for cleaner and healthier mobility towards the 5th High-Level Meeting on Transport, Health and Environment - Wednesday, 30 January 2019, 14:00-15:00, Room XI |
From Paris to Vienna 2014 - 2019 |
Green shipping in Norway |
THE PEP Center for life and work culture improvement ŽiR Serbia |
THE PEP Progress of work |
Title | Eng | Fre | Rus |
Strategic Vision towards Green Economy in Georgia agenda item 3 |
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Sustainable fashion agenda item 3 |
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Transparency and Traceability for Sustainable Value Chains agenda item 3 |
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Greening the Belt and Road Investments in Central Asia: A Visual Synthesis agenda item 3 |
Georgia BACA agenda item 4a |
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Georgia BIG-E agenda item 4a |
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Germany Greening the Economy agenda item 4a |
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Beyond SEIS from improved reporting to knowledge for action agenda item 4b |
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Mid-term review EPR Programme agenda item 4c |
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Mid-term review Aarhus Convention agenda item 4d |
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Mid-term review Air Convention agenda item 4d |
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Mid-term review Espoo Convention agenda item 4d |
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Mid-term review Protocol on Water and Health agenda item 4d |
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Mid-term review PRTR Protocol agenda item 4d |
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Mid-term review TEIA Convention agenda item 4d |
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Mid-term review Water Convention agenda item 4d |
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JTF Progress of work agenda item 5 |
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WGEMA Activities 2019-2021 agenda item 5 |
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WGEMA Options for the next pan-European Assessment UNECE agenda item 5 |
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WGEMA Options for the next pan-European Assessment UNEP agenda item 5 |
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WGEMA Progress of work agenda item 5 |
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EPR Progress of work agenda item 6 |
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Kazakhstan EPR agenda item 6 |
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Macedonia EPR agenda item 6 |
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6th Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health from the Ostrava Declaration to a Portfolio of actions agenda item 7 |
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Transport Health and Environment Pan-European Programme From Paris 2014 to Vienna 2019 agenda item 7 |
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UNEA 4 agenda item 10 |
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