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Draft Catalogue of wood waste classifications in the UNECE Region

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ece-tim-efc-wp2-2021-inf-5.pdf (application/pdf, 1.65 MB)

In the context of a growing demand for wood and cellulose-based products, the sustainable sourcing of wood is becoming more and more important. Increasing the availability of woody biomass by recovering wood from processing and end-of-life products is a recognized means of providing additional volumes of wood resource and enhancing environmental efficiency of wood-based value chains.
An increased recovery of wood waste from industrial production and urban collection appears to be of key importance to prolonging the technological cycle of material circulation and of closing the circular economy loop, before organic residues, ashes and CO2 can be used as nutrients for new trees. Today, recovered waste streams are most commonly used in bioenergy production, in recycling (wood-based panels production) and in biodegradation (composting).
The management of wood waste streams differs among countries. It often depends on national regulations and waste classifications, which are sometimes applied to trade with neighboring counties. There is no commonly applied international classification of wood waste streams. Consequently, there seems to be a gap in efficient absorbtion of wood residues back into industry processes and forest ecosystems. An international classification would not only allow a better monitoring and quantification of wood waste streams but could potentially unfold new outlets for them. In this context, this UNECE/FAO work on wood waste classification aims to:
1. Take stock of existing classifications developed by governments and various organizations (as presented in this catalogue).
2. Develop a classification for the UNECE region which could serve for data collection.
3. Based on that classification, develop a practical tool (a standard) facilitating wood waste trade in the region.