129th meeting
06 July 2023
Geneva Switzerland
44960 _ Item 1 - ECE/EX/2023/4 - Provisional Agenda _ 379834 _ English _ 773 _ 385320 _ pdf
44960 _ Item 1 - ECE/EX/2023/4 - Provisional Agenda _ 379834 _ French _ 780 _ 385321 _ pdf
44960 _ Item 1 - ECE/EX/2023/4 - Provisional Agenda _ 379834 _ Russian _ 864 _ 385322 _ pdf
44960 _ Item 2 - EXCOM/CONCLU/128 - Chair's conclusions from the 128th meeting _ 380040 _ English _ 773 _ 384909 _ pdf
44960 _ Item 3 - 2023/27 - UNECE Technical Cooperation Activities 2022 Annual Report _ 380022 _ English _ 773 _ 384876 _ pdf
44960 _ Item 4 - 2023/25 - A pathway to hydrogen classification in the UNECE region _ 380036 _ English _ 773 _ 384903 _ pdf
44960 _ Item 4 - 2023/28 - Dissemination of best practices in coal mine methane monitoring, reporting, capture, abatement & use for the purpose of strengthening national capacities for safe and environmentally responsible management of methane from state owned coal mines _ 379835 _ English _ 773 _ 384533 _ pdf
44960 _ Item 4 - 2023/29 - Strengthening national capacities to reduce coal mine methane emissions from active (CMM) & abandoned (AMM) coal mines and to measure and manage methane emissions across the natural gas value chain _ 379836 _ English _ 773 _ 384565 _ pdf
44960 _ Item 4 - 2023/30 - Building capacities of UNECE member States for integrated urban planning and accelerating achieving urban related SDGs through exchange of best practices and developing an online Toolbox _ 379837 _ English _ 773 _ 384535 _ pdf
44960 _ Item 4 - 2023/31 - Building a road safety culture among private sector _ 379838 _ English _ 773 _ 384878 _ pdf
44960 _ Item 4 - 2023/32 - Reducing uses and releases of chemicals of concern, including Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), in the textiles sector in the UNECE region and beyond _ 379839 _ English _ 773 _ 384879 _ pdf
44960 _ Proposed item 2bis - Hydrogen classification in the UNECE region _ 380023 _ English _ 773 _ 385206 _ pdf
44960 _ Proposed item 2bis - Hydrogen classification in the UNECE region _ 380023 _ French _ 780 _ 385208 _ pdf
44960 _ Proposed item 2bis - Hydrogen classification in the UNECE region _ 380023 _ Russian _ 864 _ 385209 _ pdf