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Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles - Introduction

GRVA is the Working Party preparing draft regulations, guidance documents and interpretation documents for adoption by the parent body, WP.29. GRVA deals with safety provisions related to the dynamics of vehicles (braking, steering), Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, Automated Driving Systems and well as Cyber Security provisions. The group supervises around 8 informal work groups (IWGs) and tasks forces. The IWGs documents as well as the calendar of meetings can be found on our wiki.

GRVA is currently (2024) chaired by Germany (Mr R. Damm, KBA). The Vice-Chairs are from China (Ms. C. Chen, MIIT) and Japan (Mr. T. Naono, MLIT)
In 2025, GRVA will be chaired by Germany (Mr R. Damm, KBA). The Vice-Chairs are from China (Ms. C. Chen, MIIT), Japan (Mr. T. Naono, MLIT) and USA (Mr. E. Wondimneh, NHTSA)

Recent activities of GRVA 

Recent highlights

September 2024

  • ADS: reporting from the ADS related groups (ADS, WS, DSSAD, FADS, ACV, WS on scenarios for ADS ) endorsement of the last amendments to the ADS guidelines
  • ADAS: adoption of: (i) 01 series to UN R171 (DCAS), (ii) virtual testing for UN R152 (AEBS), ACPE (1958 and 1998 Agreements)  
  • Braking/Steering: amendments to UN R79 (R79 vs. DCAS), to UN R13 (Type II) 
  • Election of officers for 2025
    • Chair: Germany (Mr R. Damm, KBA). 
    • Vice-Chairs: China (Ms. C. Chen, MIIT), Japan (Mr. T. Naono, MLIT) and USA (Mr. E. Wondimneh, NHTSA)

May 2024

  • GRVA met in Troy to prepare the 19th GRVA session. The meeting allowed for technical visits and demonstrations.
  • GRVA Workshop on scenarios catalogue for ADS
  • SIG on EMB workshop: Introduction of Electrical Braking System

January 2024

ADS: GRVA agreed on the structure necessary for developing the new global regulation on ADS until January 2026, on the basis of GRVA-18-50/Rev.1
ADAS: GRVA adopted the new UN Regulation on DCAS on the basis of GRVA-18-07/Rev.2. 
Connectivity: GRVA extended the scope of UN Regulation No. 155 to L category vehicles.
AI: GRVA commented ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2024/34 - see GRVA-18-04
Safety: GRVA received status reports related to steering by wire, electric braking, Acceleration Control for Pedal Error

Scenarios: GRVA agreed to organize workshops on scenarios for ADS.

Older deliverables

November 2023

WP.29 agreed on the structure to develop a UN GTR and a UN Regulation on ADS (see WP.29-191-30/Rev.1). The USA announced that it would sponsor the development of the UN GTR.

September 2023 

ADS: GRVA completed the review of the user section of the FRAV guidelines and discussed the next steps related to ADS regulations, post mid 2024 
Safety: GRVA completed the first reading of the DCAS draft regulation and received status reports on EMB and ACPE
CCM: GRVA prepared its input to WP.29 on the draft ITC strategy on climate change mitigation.
AI: GRVA completed the first draft of the guidelines and recommendations related to AI in automotive products in the context of vehicle regulations.
Connectivity: GRVA assigned the topic "privacy-by design" and "vehicle data access" following a presentation by FIA mentioning practices and the Mozilla Foundation report on privacy in vehicles according to the OEM terms 

March/Mai 2023 (Workshop and Special sessions)

GRVA organized a 2-day workshop on EMB in Brussels in March 2023.

AI: GRVA discussed AI related definitions, the ban of online learning and a draft resolution with guidance on the use of AI in vehicles.
ADS: GRVA reviewed the draft FRAV guidelines, it endorsed the updated NATM guideline. It adopted a supplement to UN R157 (ALKS). It reviewed the GRE request. It discussed ADS related vehicle subcategories.
Cyber: GRVA adopted the revised ToR of the IWG on CS/OTA, it adopted an amendment to the guidelines on the implementation of UN R155.
Braking: GRVA adopted the ToR for an SIG on EMB / BBW, it adopted a supplement to UN R 90.

January 2023 

GRVA assigned the the work item on cyber threats related to A.I. to the IWG on CS/OTA
GRVA endorsed GRVA-15-26 (update to the VMAD guideline) and transmitted it to WP.29 for review in March 2023.
GRVA paused activities on UN GTRs Nos. 3 and 8 and adopted amendments to UN Regulations Nos. 13, 78, 79 and 155 
GRVA adopted the ToR for a new IWG on ACPE and an update to the ToR of the Task Force on ADAS
GRVA agreed to organize a workshop on EMB

September 2022 

GRVA decided on an FDAV update, external signalling ADS, Guidance on the screening of regulations with regard to ADS. 
GRVA discussed AI in the context of vehicle regulations, DCAS, EMB, the collaboration of IGEAD/FRAV on external signalling, V2V communication (tasks, responsibilities), Joint event WP.29/WP.1.
GRVA adopted amendments to UN Regulations Nos 132 and 152

July 2022 - Workshop on Vehicle Cyber Security

NTSEL and the secretariat organized a workshop on 8 July 2022 to exchange among the contracting parties to the 1958 and 1998 Agreements regarding the "recommendation on uniform provisions concerning cyber security and software updates" and the implementation of UN Regulation No. 155.

May 2022 (Special session)

-Reviewed the draft guidelines prepared by the IWG on FRAV. Reconfirmed the text of the 2nd iteration of the NATM - Master document. Endorsed amendments to the draft NATM guidelines.
-Discussed the need to reconvene sessions of the IWG on Cyber Security and OTA to review:
  +China's proposal to address data security of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles and
  +SAE International amendment proposals
-Reconfirmed an amendment to UN Regulation No. 157 with several modifications, tabled for adoption by WP.29 and AC.1 at their sessions in June 2022.

March and May 2022 - Two GRVA technical workshops on artificial intelligence (vehicle regulations)

-Reviewed relevant definitions and focused on "narrow AI"
-Review the AI use cases in the automotive sector and corresponding risk
-Discussed potential implications to the New Assessment/Test Method developed by the IWG on VMAD 

January 2022

-Adopted a guidance document suitable for the CPs of the 1958 and 1998 Agreements regarding cyber security and software updates
-Finalized the drafting of an amendment to UN Regulation No. 157 (defining the conditions allowing for the approval of higher maximal technical speed and lane change functions)
-Adopted an upgrade to UN Regulation No. 131 (ABES for heavy vehicles)

September 2021

-Reviewed the document from the secretariat (requested in May 2021) on AI and Vehicle Regulations
-Adopted amendments to UN Regulations Nos. 79, 90, 152 and 157 
-Progressed on an amendment to UN GTR No. 8 (ESC)

July 2021 - workshop

1st workshop on the implementation of UN Regulation No. 155 - exchange of views

May 2021 - special session

-Remote Control Parking extended to systems other than hand held devices
-Finalization of Risk Mitigation Function requirements ALKS scope extension including N2/M2/N3/M3

February 2021

-Finalization of the New Assessment / Test Method - Master Document
-Adoption of the ToRs for the IWG on AEBS (heavy vehicles) and the Task Force on ADAS 

December 2020 - special session

Finalization of the Car-2-Bicycle AEB requirements

September 2020

- adoption of the endurance braking performance requirements for BEV Modular Vehicle Combination requirements

- Adoption of the interpretation documents for UN Regulations Nos. 155 and 156

March 2020 - special session

Adoption of a draft UN Regulation on Automated Lane Keeping System
Adoption of a draft UN Regulation on Cyber Security and Cyber Security Management System

February 2020

Adoption of a draft UN Regulation On Software Update and Software Update Management System

January 2019

Adoption of a new UN Regulation on Advanced Emergency Braking Systems (Car-2-Car, Car-2-Pedestrian)

GRVA meeting room

Activities under the purview of GRVA

Activities under the Framework Document on the safety of Automated Vehicles (FDAV) 

See publication (version adopted in November 2021) and its updates under the "Reference documents" section

Informal Working Groups and task forces dealing with the program defined by the FDAV:

- Automated Driving System (ADS),
- Fitness for Automated Driving System (FADS), Automated Vehicle Categorization (AVC)
- Event Data Recorder and Data Storage System for Automated Driving (EDR/DSSAD),
- Cyber Security and Over-The-Air issues (CS/OTA).

Check deliverables in the "Reference documents" section

New vehicle regulations, maintenance of UN GTRs and UN Regulations already in force and guidance documents

Automated driving system

- ADS Guidelines 
- UN Regulation No. 157 (Automated Lane Keeping System) 

Advanced driver assistance system

Driver Control Assistance System

- UN Regulation No. 171 (DCAS), 00 series

UN Regulation No. 79 (Steering equipment), including:

Automatically Commanded Steering Systems (Automation Levels 1 and 2)
-Lane keeping (ACSF of Category B1)
-Lance Change (ACSF of Category C)
-Low speed assistance (ACSF of Category A) - including Remote Control Parking 

Corrective Steering Function (CSF)
Emergency Steering Function (ESF)

Other steering provisions e.g. power steering

Acceleration Control for Pedal Error

Tabled for adoption in November 2024

Advanced Emergency Braking System 

-UN Regulation No. 131 (AEBS for heavy vehicles)
-UN Regulation No. 152 (AEBS for light vehicles)

Active Safety and dynamics (Steering, Braking etc.)

- Anti-lock Braking System for motocycles (UN GTR 3, UN R78)
- Electronic Stability Control (UN GTR 8, UN R140)
- Replacement brake parts (UN R90)




At its February 2018 session, the Inland Transport Committee (ITC) acknowledged the importance of WP.29 activities related to automated, autonomous and connected vehicles and requested WP.29 to consider establishing a dedicated subsidiary Working Party (Groupe de Rapporteurs - GR).
Following this request, WP.29, at its June 2018 session, decided to convert the Working Party on Brakes and Running Gear (GRRF) into a new Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles (GRVA). The GRRF activities on tyres and couplings were passed to GRB which became GRBP.

Terms of reference of GRVA: ECE/TRANS/WP.29/690/REV.2 (see rule 35)

Annual programme of work of GRVA: see ECE/TRANS/WP.29/20XX/1