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14th meeting

Informal Group on Child Restraints Systems 14th meeting (CLEPA - Brussels, Belgium, 14th November 2009)

CRS-14-07 - (France) Draft Regulation
English only DOC (4.70 MB) PDF (606 KB)
CRS-14-06 - Assesment criteria for CRS testing
English only DOC (309 KB) PDF (60 KB)
CRS-14-05 - (Britax) CAD – Investigation on R2-ISOFIX Envelope for GRSP Informal Group
English only --- PDF (1.43 MB)
CRS-14-04 - (Britax) Side Impact Activity BritaxRömer
English only --- PDF (1.36 MB)
CRS-14-03 - (The Netherland) Frontal and rear impact
English only DOC (1.25 MB) PDF (315 KB)
CRS-14-02 - (France) Status report of GRSP informal group on CRS
English only DOC (40 KB) PDF (11 KB)
CRS-14-01 - Provisional Agenda for the 14th meeting of the Informal Group on Child Restraint Systems
English only DOC (40 KB) PDF (6 KB)