NOTE: As part of the secretariat's effort to reduce expenditure, informal documents made available one week prior to the session on this website will not be available in the conference room for distribution to session participants. Delegates are kindly requested to bring their copies to the meeting. |
GRRF-73-27 - (Sec) Summary of decisions on documents considered at the 73nd session of GRRF |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRRF-73-26 - (ETRTO) Proposal for a draft Supplement to the 02 series of amendments to Regulation No. 117 |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRRF-73-25 - (OICA) Proposal for amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/2012/22 (Proposal for a gtr on tyres) |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRRF-73-24 - (OICA) Proposal for Revision of the Transitional Provisions to Regulation No. 13 |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRRF-73-23 - (OICA) Proposal for of amendments to Regulation No. 79 (Steering Equipment for vehicles) |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRRF-73-22 - (Slovak Republic) Proposal for amendments to the Draft GTR on Tyres |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRRF-73-21 - (ETRTO) Wet grip adhesion for C2 and C3 tyres |
English | PPT | PDF |
GRRF-73-20 - (Russian Federation) Proposal for draft corrigendum to Revision 1 to Regulation No. 109 |
English | DOC | PDF |
Russian | DOC | PDF |
GRRF-73-19 - (OICA) Proposal for Revision of the Transitional Provisions to Regulation No. 13-H
English | DOC | PDF |
GRRF-73-18 - (ETRTO) Wet grip adhesion for C2 and C3 tyres |
English | PPT | PDF |
GRRF-73-17 - (GRB) Proposal for the 03 series of amendments to Regulation No. 117 - Proposal based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRB/2012/15 and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRB/2012/18 |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRRF-73-16 - (Japan) The necessity of new Regulations for new technologies regarding R79 |
English | PPT | PDF |
GRRF-73-15 - (ACV) Proposed amendment to UN Regulation No. 13 |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRRF-73-14 - (Japan) Proposal for draft amendments to UN Regulation Nos. 13 and 13-H |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRRF-73-13 - (TyreGTR) Amendments to document GRRF-72-23 agreed by the experts of the informal group during the 13th ad-hoc working group meeting for a gtr on tyres on 29 June 2012 |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRRF-73-12 - (ETRTO/RMA/JATMA) Proposal for amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/2012/22 (Draft GTR on Tyres) |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRRF-73-11 - (IMMA) Proposal for an amendment to GTR No. 3 (Motorcycle Brake Systems) |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRRF-73-10 - (IMMA) Proposal for an amendment to Regulation No. 78 (Uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles of categories L1, L2, L3, L4 and L5 with regard to braking) |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRRF-73-09 - (ACV Chair) Report of the GRRF informal group on Automated Connections between Vehicles (ACV) |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRRF-73-08 - (EC/France) Amendments to the 02 series of amendments to Regulation No. 117 (Tyre rolling noise, wet grip adhesion and rolling resistance) |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRRF-73-07 - (AMEVSC Chair) Report of the GRRF Alternative Method for Electronic Vehicle Stability Control (AMEVSC) informal working group |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRRF-73-06 - (AMEVSC) Proposal for Supplement 10 to the 11 series of amendments to Regulation No. 13 (Heavy vehicle braking) |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRRF-73-05 Rev.1 - (GRRF) Revised proposal for amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2012/54 (Regulation No. 117) |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRRF-73-05 - (GRB) GRB Proposal for amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2012/54 (Regulation No. 117) |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRRF-73-04 - (FEMFM) Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 02 series of amendments to Regulation No. 90 (Replacement brake lining assemblies) |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRRF-73-03 - (France) Proposal to develop and preliminary report on the development of a global technical regulation concerning uniform provisions for pneumatic radial tyres for passenger and light truck (commercial) vehicles
English | DOC | PDF |
GRRF-73-02 - (OICA) Draft Corrigendum to Regulation No. 13 (Heavy vehicle braking)
English | DOC | PDF |
GRRF-73-01 - (Secretary) Running order of the provisional agenda of the 73rd session of GRRF |
English | DOC | PDF |