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5th session

 Informal documents

10-14 February 2020, Room VII, More details here 

Note: here are the basis documents for the preparation of the 6th GRVA:
GRVA-05-07-Rev.3 (DOCX) - ALKS
GRVA-05-05-Rev.1 (DOCX) - Cybersecurity

GRVA-05-65 (DETA) Database for the Exchange of Type Approval documentation
English PPTX PDF
GRVA-05-64 (OICA) Proposal for amendments to UN Regulation No. 152
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-63 (OICA) Proposal for ESF (c) - Emergency Assistance
English (forthcoming) PDF
GRVA-05-62 (VMAD/SG1a) Necessity of the traffic critical scenarios drafting at SG1a
English PPTX PDF
GRVA-05-61 (Secretariat) GRVA priorities
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-60 (GRVA) Adopted amendments to UN Regulation No. 152 (AEBS)
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-59 (Russian Federation) Proposal for amendments to GRVA-05-24
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-58 (Russian Federation) Proposal for amendments to GRVA-05-09-Rev.1
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-57 (UK) Proposal for amendment to the 03 series of amendments to Un Regulation No. 79 (Steering equipment)
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-56 (OICA) Additional proposal for a supplement to UN Regulation No. 140 (ESC)
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-55 (AEBS) Proposal from the IWG on AEBS to amend UN Regulation No. 152
English PPTX PDF
GRVA-05-54 (FIGIEFA) Proposal for amendments to the draft Regulations on Cyber Security and Software Updates
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-53 (Germany) Proposal for amendments to the 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 79 (Steering equipment)
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-52 (OICA) Evidence regarding the proposed amendments to UN-R79 ACSF of Cat. C
English PPTX PDF
GRVA-05-51 (Russian Federation) Proposal for amendments to GRVA-05-05
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-50 (CITA) Proposal for amendments to the 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 79 (Steering equipment)
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-49 (Netherlands) Presentation "Who is in control?" and Video (YouTube)
English PPTX PDF
GRVA-05-48 (Netherlands) Report "Who is in control?"
English --- PDF
GRVA-05-47 (OICA) RCP - Alternative HMI
English Video  
GRVA-05-46 (OICA) Proposal for amendments to GRVA-05-07 (as revised)
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-45 (OICA) Analysis of necessary and proposed requirements fro lane change in ALKS Minimal Risk or Emergency Maneuvers
English PPTX PDF
GRVA-05-44 (OICA) Avoidance criteria for cut-in situation
English PPTX PDF
GRVA-05-43 (MVC) Presentation of draft amendment to UN R13
English PPTX PDF
GRVA-05-42 (EC) Proposal for amendment to GRVA-05-05
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-41 (FRAV) Status report
English PPTX PDF
GRVA-05-40 (FRAV) Status report - Functional Performance Requirements for Automated Driving Systems and ADS-Equipped Vehicles
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-39-Rev.1 (OICA) New Type IV test for vehicles equipped with an electric regenerative endurance braking system (UN Regulation No. 13)
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-39 (OICA) New Type IV test for vehicles equipped with an electric regenerative endurance braking system (UN Regulation No. 13)
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-38-Rev.1 (OICA) Type IIA for Batterie Electric Vehicles
English PPTX PDF
GRVA-05-38 (OICA) Type IIA for Batterie Electric Vehicles
English PPTX PDF
GRVA-05-37 (China) China's comments on the est specifications of ALKS
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-36 (Germany) Motivation of Cut-In Requirements
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-35 (AEBS) Proposal for amendments to UN Regulation No. 152 (AEBS M1/N1)
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-34 (EDR/DSSAD) Review of the existing national / regional activities and a proposed way forward for DSSAD
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-33 (CLEPA/OICA) Comments to GRVA-05-05 from the CLEPA/OICA experts
English PPTX PDF
GRVA-05-32 (Secretariat) Updated and consolidated provisional agenda (incl. informal documents received until 7 Feb. 2020 6.00 p.m.)*
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-31 (EDR/DSSAD) Data Storage Requirements for Draft ALKS Regulation
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-30 (OICA/CLEPA) Proposal for amendments to UN Regulation No. 79 (Steering Equipment)
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-29 (France) Proposal for amendments to GRVA-05-05
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-28 (Secretariat) Highlights of the 179th WP.29 session and general information
English PPTX PDF
GRVA-05-27 (Secretariat) Proposal for amendments to GRVA-05-05
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-26 (CS/OTA) Report on the status of the cyber security and software update process recommendations
English PPTX PDF
GRVA-05-25 (ACSF) Status of the IWG on ACSF
English PPT PDF
GRVA-05-24-Rev.1 (AVERE) Proposal for amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2020/7
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-24 (AVERE) Proposal for amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2020/7
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-23 (VMAD) Status report from the 5th session of the IWG on VMAD
English PPTX PDF
GRVA-05-22 (EC) Proposal for amendments to GRVA-05-05
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-21 (Japan) TBT notification of the draft Safety Regulations for Motor Vehicles
English --- PDF
GRVA-05-20 (Japan) Proposal for amendments to GRVA-05-05
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-19 (VMAD) Draft Appendix on Traffic Critical Scenarios to the Annex on audit/assessment to the new UN Regulation on Automated Lane Keeping systems (ALKS)*
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-18 (VMAD) Draft Annex 4 on audit/CEL to the new UN Regulation on ALKS*
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-17 (FIGIEFA) Proposal for amendments to the draft Regulations on Cyber Security and Software Updates
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-16 (EGEA/FIA/FIGIEFA/ETRMA) Proposal for a Recommendation
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-15 (FIGIEFA) Explanatory document
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-14 (CLEPA) Proposal for a Supplement to UN Regulation No. 13 (EMB)
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-13 (Japan) Proposal for amendments to GRVA-05-05
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-12 (Secretariat) The 1958 Agreement and lifetime/lifecycle considerations
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-11 (Korea) Proposal for amendments to UN GTR No. 8 (Electronic Stability Control)
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-10 (France) Suggestion for amendment of UN Regulation No. 13-H
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-09-Rev.3 (AVERE) Proposal for amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2020/9
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-09-Rev.2 (AVERE) Proposal for amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2020/9
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-09-Rev.1 (AVERE) Proposal for amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2020/9
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-09 (AVERE) Proposal for amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2020/9
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-08-Rev.2 (AVERE) Proposal for amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2020/8
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-08-Rev.1 (AVERE) Proposal for amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2020/8
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-08 (AVERE) Proposal for amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2020/8
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-07-Rev.3 (GRVA) Proposal for a new UN Regulation on Automated Lane Keeping System (ALKS) - reissued on Friday 14 Feb. 2020.
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-07-Rev.2 (GRVA) Proposal for a new UN Regulation on Automated Lane Keeping System (ALKS) - reflecting the discussions on day 1.
English DOCX  
GRVA-05-07-Rev.1 (IWG on ACSF) Proposal for a new UN Regulation on Automated Lane Keeping System (ALKS)
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-07 (IWG on ACSF) Proposal for a new UN Regulation on Automated Lane Keeping System (ALKS)
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-06 (TF CS/OTA) Proposal for amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2020/4 (consolidated)*
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-05-Rev.1 (GRVA) Proposal for amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2020/3 - reissued on Friday 14 Feb. 2020
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-05 (TF CS/OTA) Proposal for amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2020/3
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-04 (TF CS/OTA) Proposal for amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2020/4
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-03-Rev.1(MVC) Proposal for amendments to UN Regulation No. 13
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-03 (MVC) Proposal for amendments to UN Regulation No. 13
English DOCX PDF
GRVA-05-02 (ISO/SAE) ISO/SAE DIS 21434
English --- PDF
GRVA-05-01 (Chair) Running order
English DOCX PDF


65 informal documents
13 revisions of informal documents
==> 78 informal documents reviewed in the week
(5 documents reissued for technical reasons = minor corrections)
* Documents marked with a star(*) have been reissued during the meeting for technical reasons