GRSG-104-51 (Germany) - UN Regulation No. 58 - Rear underrun protection devices - Information on the cost benefit analysis performed by Germany |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRSG-104-50 (FIA) - Position on Improved Heavy Goods Vehicle Rear Under-Run Protection |
English | --- | PDF |
GRSG-104-49 (FIA) - Heavy Goods Vehicle Under Run Protection |
English | --- | PDF |
GRSG-104-48 (Germany) - Proposal for a Corrigendum to UN Regulation No. 43 (Safety glazing) |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRSG-104-47 (Japan) - Comparison of rear collision standards (UN Regulations and Japanese safety regulations) |
English | PPT | PDF |
GRSG-104-46 (Japan) - Concept of the exclusion of blind areas (Regulation No. 46) - Reissued for technical reasons |
English | PPT | PDF |
GRSG-104-45 (Japan) - Concept of obstacles (Regulations Nos. 46 and 125) |
English | PPT | PDF |
GRSG-104-44 (Secretariat) - Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 110 (LNG) |
English | DOC (track changes) | PDF (clean version) |
GRSG-104-43 (Germany) - Draft proposal for amendments to Regulation No. 43 (Safety glazing) |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRSG-104-42 (Germany) - Draft Schedule of the Informal Group on Plastic Glazing |
English | XLS | PDF |
GRSG-104-41 (Germany) - GRSG informal group on the introduction of plastic glazing for windscreens and laminated plastic panes other than windscreens in UN Regulation No. 43. Terms of reference and rules of procedure |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRSG-104-40 (Germany) - Prolongation of the Draft Schedule of the Informal Group on Plastic Glazing |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRSG-104-39-Rev.3 (IWVTA Ambassador) - (Revised at 106th GRSG) Priority of discussion on technical requirements for IWVTA and draft report to IWVTA informal meeting |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRSG-104-39-Rev.2 (IWVTA Ambassador) - (Revised at 105th GRSG) Priority of discussion on technical requirements for IWVTA and draft report to IWVTA informal meeting |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRSG-104-39-Rev.1 (IWVTA Ambassador) - (Revised at 104th GRSG) Priority of discussion on technical requirements for IWVTA and draft report to IWVTA informal meeting |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRSG-104-39 (IWVTA Ambassador) - Priority of discussion on technical requirements for IWVTA and draft report to IWVTA informal meeting |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRSG-104-38 (LNG Task Force) - Proposal for amendments to UN Regulation No. 110 (Annex 4O) |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRSG-104-37 (LNG Task Force) - Proposal for amendments to UN Regulation No. 110 (para. 18.13.) |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRSG-104-36 (LNG Task Force) - Proposal for amendments to UN Regulation No. 110 (para. 18.6.7.) |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRSG-104-35 (LNG Task Force) - Proposal for amendments to UN Regulation No. 110 (paras. 8.14.-8.22.) |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRSG-104-34 (LNG Task Force) - Proposal for amendments to UN Regulation No. 110 (para. 8.12.2.) |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRSG-104-33 (LNG Task Force) - LNG amendments to UN Regulation No. 110: some background on specific issues |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRSG-104-32 (LNG Task Force) - LNG Heavy Duty Trucks. Case studies |
English | --- | PDF |
GRSG-104-31 Rev.2 (Secretariat) - Updated agenda of the 104th session of GRSG (15-19 April 2013) including follow-up actions |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRSG-104-31 Rev.1 (Secretariat) - Updated agenda of the 104th session of GRSG (15-19 April 2013) |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRSG-104-31 (Secretariat) - Updated agenda of the 104th session of GRSG (15-19 April 2013) |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRSG-104-30 (OICA/ISO) - 3rd Progress Report of ISO/TC22/SC17/WG2 (ISO 16505) |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRSG-104-29 (Italy) - Draft corrigendum/correction to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2013/34 proposing Amendment 1 to GTR No. 12 (Controls, tell-tales and indicators for two-wheeled vehicles) |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRSG-104-28 (Japan) - Guidelines for improvement of vehicle safety regarding infant-carrying vehicles |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRSG-104-27 (Japan) - Development of guidelines for improvement of vehicle safety regarding infant-carrying vehicles |
English | PPT | PDF |
GRSG-104-26 (OICA) - Proposal for amendments to the 04 series of amendments to Regulation No. 46 (rear-view mirrors) |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRSG-104-25 (OICA) - Proposal for amendments to the 03 series of amendments to Regulation No. 46 (rear-view mirrors) |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRSG-104-24 (Germany) - 5th Progress Report of the Informal Group on Plastic Glazing |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRSG-104-23 (Russian Federation) - Comments and proposal for amendments to documents ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2012/15 and GRSG-103-29 (Draft 06 series of amendments to Regulation No. 107) |
English | DOC | PDF |
Russian | DOC | PDF |
GRSG-104-22 (SDWEE) - Proposal for amendments to UN Regulation No. 107 (M2 and M3 vehicles) |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRSG-104-21 (OICA) - Proposal for amendments to Regulation No. 121 (Identification of controls, tell-tales and indicators) - Reissued for technical reasons |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRSG-104-20 (OICA) - Comments to the draft Design Principles for Control Systems of ADAS (Informal document WP.29-157-06) |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRSG-104-19 (OICA) - Proposal for amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2013/12 (UN Regulation No. 110 - Specific equipment for CNG) |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRSG-104-18 (OICA) - Proposal for amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2013/12 (UN Regulation No. 67 - Equipment for LPG) |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRSG-104-17 (OICA) - Proposal for amendments to informal document GRSG-103-29 (Proposal for draft 06 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 107 - M2 and M3 vehicles) |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRSG-104-16 (OICA) - Proposal for amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2013/9 (Proposal for the 06 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 107 - M2 and M3 vehicles) |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRSG-104-15 (OICA) - Proposal for amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2013/2 (Proposal for Supplement 3 to the 04 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 107 - M2 and M3 vehicles) |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRSG-104-14 (Belgium) - Proposal for new uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles with regard to the odometer equipment including its installation |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRSG-104-13 (Belgium) - Proposal for draft amendments to Annex 12 of Regulation No. 107 (M2 and M3 vehicles) - Additional safety prescriptions for trolleybuses |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRSG-104-12 (The Netherlands) - Request for information on the pressure relief device for CNG (Regulation No. 110) |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRSG-104-11 (Hungary) - Proposal for amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2012/15 prepared by SDWEE (Regulation No. 107: Access to escape hatches) |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRSG-104-10 (Hungary) - Proposal for amendments to UN Regulation No. 107 (M2 and M3 vehicles) - Emergency windows |
English | DOC | PDF
GRSG-104-09 (IRU) - Need for measures to mitigate fire risks of CNG and LNG vehicles: UN Regulation No. 110 |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRSG-104-08 (Germany) - Proposal for draft amendments to UN Regulation No. 107 (M2 and M3 vehicles) - Low floor vehicles) |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRSG-104-07 (Russian Federation) - Proposal for draft Corrigendum to Revision 3 to UN Regulation No. 107 (M2 and M3 vehicles) |
Russian | DOC | PDF |
GRSG-104-06 (Germany) - Proposal for draft amendments to UN Regulation No. 18 (Anti-theft) |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRSG-104-05 (Germany) - Proposal for draft amendments to UN Regulation No. 107 (M2 and M3 vehicles) - Accessibility of emergency windows |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRSG-104-04 (Germany) - Proposal for draft amendments to UN Regulation No. 107 (M2 and M3 vehicles) - Hazards warning lights in case of excess temperatures |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRSG-104-03 (Germany) - Proposal for draft amendments to UN Regulation No. 107 (M2 and M3 vehicles) - Minimum number of priority seats |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRSG-104-02 (Germany) - Proposal for draft amendments to UN Regulation No. 107 (M2 and M3 vehicles) - Prevention of accidents |
English | DOC | PDF |
GRSG-104-01 (Chair) - Running order of the 104th session of GRSG (15-19 April 2013) |
English | DOC | PDF |