Informal Documents
NOTE: Delegates are kindly requested to bring their copies to the meeting. | ||
GRE-77-32 (IWG SLR) - Status update and next steps | ||
English | PPT | |
GRE-77-31 (European Commission) -The importance of the Unique Identifier for the Simplification of Lighting and Light-Signalling Regulations | ||
English | PPT | |
GRE-77-30-Rev.1 (European Commission) - Revision of ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2017/7 | ||
English | DOC | |
GRE-77-30 (European Commission) - Revision of ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2017/7 | ||
English | DOC | |
GRE-77-29 (Germany) Comments on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2017/2 | ||
English | DOC | |
GRE-77-28 (TF EMC) - Proposal for amendment to Regulation No. 10 | ||
English | DOC | |
GRE-77-27 (IWG VGL) - Status report | ||
English | PPT | |
GRE-77-26-Rev.1 (OICA) - Modifications to the adopted amendments to Regulations Nos. 6 and 50 as reproduced in Annex IV to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/76 | ||
English | DOC | |
GRE-77-26 (OICA) - Modifications to the adopted amendments to Regulations No. 6 as reproduced in Annex IV to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/76 | ||
English | DOC | |
GRE-77-25 (OICA) - Proposal for a consolidated version of GRE/2016/33 and GRE-76-17 on Regulation No. 48 | ||
English | DOC | |
GRE-77-24 (Russian Federation) - Modifications to GRE-77-06 | ||
English | DOC | |
GRE-77-23 (Russian Federation) - Modifications to GRE-77-10-Rev.1 | ||
English | DOC | |
GRE-77-22 (GTB) - Introduction into Regulation 128 of LED Substitute Light Sources | ||
English | --- | |
GRE-77-21 (TF EMC) - Status report | ||
English | PPT | |
WP.29-171-04 (European Union) - Proposal to amend the proposal for Supplement 7 to the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 113 (Headlamps emitting a symmetrical passing-beam), as contained in ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2017/39 | ||
English | DOC | |
GRE-77-20 (OICA) - Proposal for a Supplement to the 06 series of amendments to Regulation No. 48 | ||
English | DOC | |
GRE-77-19 (Japan) - Additional explanations to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2016/35 | ||
English | PPT | |
GRE-77-18 (Secretariat) - General information and WP.29 highlights | ||
English | PPT | |
GRE-77-17 (Italy) - DRL auto switch in Regulation No. 53 | ||
English | PPT | |
GRE-77-16 (GTB) - Updating the requirements of Regulation No. 48 on signalization of light source failure in lamps equipped with multiple light sources | ||
English | DOC | |
GRE-77-15 (GTB) - Proposal to introduce requirements for the use of LED substitute light sources in the new Regulation for “Light-signalling devices” | ||
English | DOC | |
GRE-77-14 (GTB) - Incorporation of LED light sources in the new Regulation for Road Illumination Devices (RID) | ||
English | DOC | |
GRE-77-13 (GTB) - Revision of ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2017/6 | ||
English | DOC | |
GRE-77-12 (GTB) - Revision of ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2017/5 | ||
English | DOC | |
GRE-77-11 (GTB) - Proposal to amend ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2016/28 | ||
English | DOC | |
GRE-77-10-Rev.1 (Japan) - Proposal for a supplement to 06 series of Regulation No. 48 (Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices on M, N and O vehicles) | ||
English | DOCX | |
GRE-77-09 (India) - India comments on glare given to oncoming vehicles by motorcycles DRLs at night | ||
English | --- | |
GRE-77-08 (India) - Proposal for draft amendments to Regulation No. 53 | ||
English | --- | |
GRE-77-07 (GTB) - Request for guidance | ||
English | DOC | |
GRE-77-06-Rev.1 (Czech Republic and Italy) - Proposal for a Supplement to the 06 series of amendments to Regulation No. 48 | ||
English | DOC | |
GRE-77-06 (Czech Republic and Italy) - Proposal for a Supplement to the 06 series of amendments to Regulation No. 48 | ||
English | DOC | |
GRE-77-05 (IWG SLR) - Draft New Simplified UN Regulation on Light Signalling Devices (LSD) | ||
English | --- | |
GRE-77-04 (GTB) - GTB guidelines for introduction and evaluation of LED light source categories intended for forward lighting applications | ||
English | DOC | |
GRE-77-03 (GTB) - Substitute light sources: equivalence reports for C5W, PY21W, and R5W | ||
English | PPT | |
GRE-77-02 (GTB) - Equivalence criteria for LED substitute light source categories as equivalents for corresponding filament light source categories | ||
English | DOC | |
GRE-77-01 (Secretariat) - Updated provisional agenda for the 77th session of GRE | ||
English | --- | |